
7 minutes of heaven can easily turn into 90 minutes of heaven. The writer just has to have some control and not blow his load.


@Barnabus: I'm pretty sure that's not trembling aspen.

You can make fun of the big buff guys with swords, you can make fun of the guys in tights, but don't make fun of the space marines in armor. They serve to protect mankind.

Nifty keen!

@PoweredByHentai: Well I suppose two things come to mind in instances of Terran turtles.

@PoweredByHentai: I love watching Idra for all these reasons. He's a character. It's fun!

@Nivenus: Oh for sure. It's a matter of opinion. The movie looks like it could be entertaining. I know the video-game looks really cool. I do think that in time, after Pilgrim runs it's course, then a lot of people won't remember it so fondly. Could be wrong, and I still may check out the movie.

@DJ-Christ-2006: The initial box-office is what drives Hollywood though. Wright will direct again, but he will have to make his next movies count. Cera likely won't be the lead in a film again for a LONG time, if ever, and going back to television would be a very awkward transition.

@ObiHaiv: More than funding, international politics could drown the project.

@wassermelone: You should realize that, yes, I AM the final arbiter of truth. I have it stitched into my underwear.

Because people displaced by rising water want to move to a sunken colony in a distant, foreign country.

@ObiHaiv: This design could make waves.

Perhaps the overlying concept of Scott Pilgrim just isn't as good as everyone thought. I have friends who are nuts for Scott Pilgrim. They read, then re-read the comics. They could not WAIT for the movie. They've often recommended the comics to me and figured I'd love it too. It has all the pieces that would make

@Crrash: I've got the same impression of Cera. He does not give off the right vibe that Pilgrim requires. For instance, I recall seeing Pilgrim smile and look excited in the comics. Cera is generally incapable of both. That's fine if you're in a melodramatic comedy like Juno, but for a crazy, action-oriented

@BoxOfScraps: Twilight isn't about vampires. That's just background noise. What it's essentially about is two hot, strong dudes fighting for the love of a girl in a world where neither can have the girl.

@AngryEddy: I would bet that the majority of fans are quite adept at downloading movies, so I wouldn't be counting on DVD or Blu-Ray sales.