
@BacteriaEP: That sounds like a bunch of bitter bullsh*t. Watch a few good replays on youtube. There is quite a bit of strategy going on in SC2. It's all a matter of whether you can keep up.

Is that a nipple slip?

While there is a certain level of nerd-cool to these vans, there's also a high level of "Really? I mean c'mon...really?!"

@The Brazen Wolfy: Amazing scene, but this isn't Ecstasy of Gold. This is The Trio. Ecstasy of Gold comes in the scene preceding this when Tuco is running through the graveyard.

Couldn't have picked a better song myself.

Uranus. Lol

I got a blowjob once. Y'know, just thought I'd throw in my two cents.

He's in science fiction. That hardly befits a distinguished award like the Emmy.

@jesterspawn: There are far to many pitfalls with people knowing your name and losing anonymity. There is a lot of information that can be gathered from a name. Trolls are annoying, but some creepy asshole finding out where you live is downright horrifying.

@cityslicker: Hmmm, you may be right. Though I do actually enjoy Half-Life more than Half-Life 2. I think because it's so psychedelic at the end.

I was sort of expecting him to say Valve as the other studio. Have they ever done anything less then fantastic?

Funny? You people thought that was funny?! Those suplexes and piledrivers scared the hell out of me. When I have kids, I'm going to tell them that if they're bad, Zangief will come into their dreams to suplex them.

Everyone needs a hobby, right?

I think I may be involved with a girl who has an addiction to romantic fulfillment and rejection. It's horrible, because I'm about ready to feed her addiction with some rejection.

@GaTaMaX: Cool. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

@Gurg: Is it at all strange that I get these jokes, yet have never played Katamari?