
@frank0127: And they're games are so good that they're almost all PC gaming needs. Don't get me wrong though, there's plenty of great PC only developers out there. I haven't played a console game in years and don't feel like I've missed anything.

"Boom shaka-laka."

@Nozama: Yeah, I'll be taking a look at this too, though I may end of being turned away because of the learning curve. I just don't have the time to learn the game.

Anyone still play (or even purchase) Demigod?

This situation looks fugly.

@The_Traveler: Hmm, this really makes me wonder then what they might have done to make Activision want to bring down the thunder.

@Hit Bull Win Steak: Nickelback and Avril Lavigne are what the powers that be use to keep us Canadians in check. They were used during the final ceremony to help get the message across that the Olympics were over, now get the hell out. We also ship them to other countries as our little way of waging war.

It really was a great game. The US brought everything to the table and made Canada work for it.

I would have used a coat-hanger, but that's just insensitive old me. Just kidding by the way. It's for the best that they didn't use the above picture.

If his thumbs work then he can play video-games. He just won't be any good at them.

@SigmundTheSeaMonster: Yeah, golfer infidelity is boring. We want more Presidential infidelity. C'mon Barack!

@Pretty Sneaky Sis: If you're not concerned with this stuff, then don't concern yourself with this stuff. Just look away from the car crash...and don't listen to the people talking about the car crash...or...yeah, it's kind of tough to get away from.

Bat leth beheading at dawn.

@Fluorine: Yeah, sort of. They would decide that they hate you, and that was that. If you try to suck up, they begin to expect it. Then you're their bitch, and they ride you until the end. And the computer is never, ever your bitch. Though it is easy to manipulate for free cash...

I just hope the computer opponents aren't frustratingly impossible to deal with like they were in Civ IV. You'd make pals with another Civ, starting massive trading, military alliances, etc. etc., then suddenly they hate you and won't agree to any sort of diplomacy. Sometimes refusing to even talk. Why? Hell if I

When I saw the picture above, my first thought was, "How long before I see a girl sticking that thing up her expletive deletive on youporn?"

@Quilt: ...why did #1 turn into a link? Meh.

I have been the #1 oxygen to carbon dioxide converter in my basement suite. Send me your investment dollars so that I can continue to convert oxygen to carbon dioxide!

Ten years ago The Simpsons was secretly hijacked by the United States government to be used as a tool to drastically lower the American public's standards. That way it doesn't seem so bad when you're stuck in line at the DMV.