
I was at the Blood Moon show in London the other night, which was entirely incredible, and that cover version was stunning. It was so great for them to be able to show a different side of their music. I went to see them around the time of No Heroes (which I really like, although it seems unpopular among a lot of fans)

New York post-hardcore geniuses Rival Schools, the month they released the magnificent United By Fate, came to the UK and ended up playing support in a grotty basement students union in Newcastle to novelty pop-metal chumps "A". The gig only cost me about £10 to get in, but I did have a 2 1/2 hour round trip by bus

I didn't inflict it on him, but once when my girlfriend was at my house he came home from the pub when we were watching Wild At Heart, at exactly the moment Willem Defoe starts molesting Laura Dern. He sat there on the sofa, awkwardly taking his shoes off, and as soon as the scene was over, gave us a sideways look and

Mine is that it's named after a decent ale that they don't even serve. I asked what ales they had on and the barmaid looked at the fridge full of VKs and Stella cider bottles and said "There's Newcastle, it says that's an ale?" But yes also that is full of bastard students. Several of them in silly hats.

I've been in this pub. It's near my house. It's fucking awful. However, if I get the chance to witness some Beef cuntduggery in person, I'll happily take the hit of appalling beer in a heinous atmosphere amongst regular, non-former Disney star pricks to see the next exciting installment of this bellend's long-awaited