
This article, nor the source article, has enough information about what Skyhook does and is in order to make an informed decision. Here's how I see it. If Skyhook is some kind of app or library or whatever that can be used to replace Google Maps or (as it appears) some call to Google's database of locations and gets

Did the dog also talk to him and use a mental radar to detect females? Did they find Over The Hill?

There is support in .NET for ink, and I'd assume it uses similar stuff to whatever OneNote uses (but maybe not). I think the raw ink is just a series of paths, like any other vector format. Again, I may be wrong. However, the industry right now certainly has no incentive to attempt at standardizing it.

I hope this never happens to Knoebels Grove, which is the localest amusement park to my hometown. That place is great...way better than the big parks, though no really big coasters.

What we really need is some sort of digital ink standard so that it can be recorded, transmitted, and reproduced in a similar manner that standard text is now. Then note taking, chat, email, or whatever other wonderful inking apps might appear down the road can actually share our scribbles.

Yea, I was hoping for something a bit more clever too.

Horizontal and vertical time? That explains why work (and other boring things) seem to drag on forever. During boring events, one is moving along the y-axis of time, staying virtually fixed along the x-axis, and creating the phenomenon of time standing still. I should publish my findings.

The police probably ruined a Capital One commercial.

We must be long lost siblings.

"When I get home I'll tan your ass because I know you did something during the day to deserve it."

Why come to gizmodo if it lacks the content we want to see?

What about billy clubs?

So can we stop the silly "war on terrorism" now?


I couldn't effectively program in .NET or Android, download anime torrents (or watch videos from my external HDD), get pictures off my camera, or listen to my music collection. The programming and videos were the main things that got me.

Gold stars have good meanings too, btw.

I'd rather have an android tablet than a chrome os notebook because I found chrome os too limiting for the things I do, while android already has everything chrome os has (a browser) and more built into the system. I think chrome os could have a very nice little niche in enterprise though, as you stated. Low cost and

The ribbon can be collapsed. Try double clicking on the tabs and be amazed.

Although I'll agree that math is vitally important for people planning to go into science or engineering, and (hopefully) economics or accounting, I'd argue that reading, writing, and communication skills are much more important and useful across all jobs. I don't care how brilliant one is, if one can't communicate