
It's no different than how English speakers forget spelling from using spell check and auto-completion. (Obviously, that's the point you're making.) Spending 3 years in Japanese elementary and middle schools showed me, among many other things, that learning kanji is almost identical to the way English speakers learn

I hope that you're right and I'm wrong. Seeing examples of youtube comments, tweets, etc doesn't inspire much confidence in the literacy of the general population, though I suppose it is better than hundreds of years ago when a lot of people couldn't even read or write.

Yea, that's how I read it too. Especially telling is the part about them sitting around in the water for weeks or months to distress the photos. They weren't developed in the lake water.

I think the next generation or two will sign their names something like: BOB THX LOL

Eventually they'll be right.

She did when he was born.

Lets hope google has the sense to put this feature in the right app. I believe they will.

SATA 3Gbs as far as I know. I don't know any other details about it. It's hard enough to get a computer maker to tell you what sort of screen or whatever is in the thing, let alone the hard drive controller/interface.

altitude data for location, and possibly weather.

Come on, this thing is just a tiny iPad! Do something original Apple.

I upgraded the 80gb 5200rpm hdd in my Thinkpad to an Intel x-25 G2 80gb, for $200. I did notice some performance gains, especially at startup. However, the overall performance was not nearly as noticeable as I had expected. Applications still didn't load "instantly", etc. Read performance when moving video to my 1TB

Well, if this lawsuit puts Touch Wiz in it's grave, I'll support Apple. =)

It's a black rectangle with a glass face and a silver rim. It's hard not to copy it. Almost every touchscreen smartphone is essentially the same. To sue over this is like one car maker suing another because the other guy made a black 4-door sedan that looks similar to yours.


They might use the internets to figure out that religion is a scam.

I'm pretty sure you could find some twitter feeds for god.

I suppose if one is into oral rape, using a knife or gun is what one would call "safe sex".

Ah true. I wonder if oral rapists always use knives or guns.

Just write it in HTML and CSS... that's essentially all ePub is. And ePub 3, which will probably be finalized sometime this year, uses HTML 5.

My personal choice would be the Sony Pocket Edition (PRS-350). I don't like the kindle as a device because of the silly keyboard, and the nook always seemed junky to me. The Sony ereaders are nice devices, and now that they use an IR touch screen instead of a resistive one, there's no 'glare' (it never really bothered