
E-ink screens cost more than an LCD, at least initially. So the decision to use them wasn't really about cutting costs—it was about battery life and visibility in the sun.

Kinda off topic, but I never really understood how oral rape worked. Couldn't the woman just bite off the guy's penis?

Me too. A pencil that writes in Windows 7.

Why was Vista afraid of 7?

Give the man a star.

I still don't get it. I've only used 700mb (9%) in all the years I've had my gmail account, yet my picasa account is more than 50% full and limited at a crappy 1gb.

Who's invading?

Ohhhhhh ... rah?


I've always thought TOS Klingons were Russians.

No way.. TNG did a great job of exploring themes like racism, justice, multi-culturalism, and others through the sci-fi lens. Other episodes were just touching. There were also some action-oriented episodes, and some crappy ones. TNG had a wonderful variety.

I'd wager that it's incredibly unsafe to eat 52 billion bananas in a day, a month, a year, or even a lifetime. With a 100 year lifetime, you'd have to eat 1,424,657 bananas per day from birth to death to reach 52 billion.

The tsunami was weeks ago, plenty of time for the water to drain.

Worst hazmat suits ever. That guy in the foreground is just wearing a flu mask from the drug store and not wearing his goggles.

There are tons of junk on the web, but probably many many more emails considering how many each of us writes and receives in a day, including spam.

The one caused by all the idiots.

Tell her to create a private Wordpress or blogger blog. Wordpress has an app (I think) and multiple ways to post. There's also Evernote, which I suspect will be around a while. It's really not a hard decision... just go with the most mainstream thing.

And rich minorities.

Sounds more like a personal problem than a real problem.