
@SolCross: I didn't really have that problem. I think there were a few features, and it's supposedly small memory footprint (but I haven't seen it being any less than FF), that made me want to try it. After it got the RememberTheMilk and Rikai-chan plugins, I made the switch.

Yea... already changed over to Chrome.

Through image enhancement, I've discovered the identity of the mysterious man.

@tazm0n: Saw them in Japan too, on some cheap tp.

I have one of these. I call it a "blender".

Didn't MS say they were aiming for a 3-year release cycle? Since Win7 was released in 2009, 2009 + 3 = 2012.

@theimmc: Which will in turn bring the world to an end before they can enjoy their world's longest tunnel.

Too bad the world will end in 2012. They'll never get to truly enjoy it.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Your little girl who wants a big ol' penis. It's time to let go, daddy.

I'd like to see reviews of apps which provide creation, editing, and viewing of MS Office docs and spreadsheets, as well as similar apps for Google Docs.

Where are the condiments?

@QMurphy: Dear American Infidel:

@ignacio reyes: I take a picture of things I make, like cakes or whatnot. I don't take pictures of normal food, though.

@jepzilla: Or, In the words of Popeye's Wimpy: