@gemcosta: The point is the same, though: someone needs to get stepped on for the rest of us to live comfortably.
@gemcosta: The point is the same, though: someone needs to get stepped on for the rest of us to live comfortably.
@Charliehorse: Actually we need to make them into Catholics, so that it's a sin to commit suicide. That'll make them stop.
What did you think would happen? China (or whatever 3rd world country) will only stay a source of cheap labor for so long, especially with everyone from the developed nations (where we've already "eliminated" cheap labor by sending it overseas) complaining that the conditions are deplorable. Eventually, the price of…
@Spartanical: You're not supposed to watch TV in the dark because it's bad for your eyes. That's why.
@CaffineFreakUs: That's what I want and expect too, though I do vaguely remember reading something about that.
@Mike Bartlett: well, I was rhyming the "ry" sound more than the whole "orry"/"urry" sound. "Fuzzy" would end in a "zy" sound, which wouldn't rhyme with worry's "ry" sound at all.
I thought I'd take the liberty of re-writing your story in the form of a (probably bad) limerick.
@Bant: Electric Burger: I couldn't have said it better myself.
@The_Geek_Greek: That was my first thought too.
@siwex80: Yea, I'd vote for 4" as "optimal" too.
Why would I want that, when the whole internet is my DVR?
@JohnnyricoMC: multitasking
@Flss: I'm not sure if I'd like this more than multiple giant moons in various colors, or not. It would be awesome to have rings, but it's also like a permanent rainbow across the sky.
@Charliehorse: After your tax money goes to the government, it stops being your money.
@PacJack360: How are they going to put out the fire if you kill them?
2 blades 1 truck?
@tomsomething: And finish the signal with "Marco!" and hope they respond with "Polo!"
@KineticRocketFireBalls: Gliese's mass is 3-4 times large than Earth, according to the article, so the gravity would be 3-4 times, too.
@silkworm: hmm. good question. How long will it take? I don't want to be bored for 20 years all by myself.
About time.