Come on, that's no robot! Some other person was pushing the baby out from behind.
Come on, that's no robot! Some other person was pushing the baby out from behind.
I'd never pay a few grand for a bicycle. I'd just get a new Kawasaki Ninja 250.
Screw with the oceans to save DOZENS of lives! Think of all the DOZENS we'll save!
@Digo: An Indian friend of mine once told me that god hates Indians because he put one of the hairiest people on the planet into one of the hottest places on the planet.
@KamWrex: I always thought wasabi tastes like wasabi (which tastes like horse radish)...
I think we like spicy foods because it's another flavor we can enjoy. Choice is good.
I like to make oatmeal in my rice cooker too. I use the "okayu" (rice porridge) setting, since okayu is basically the same thing as oatmeal but using a different grain.
@Ian Osmond: Glad to see that I'm not the only one who immediately remembered this fact about Welch's and realized the irony of this article. =)
@Caturday Yet?: Depends on how she looks.
It must have taken him a long time to paint all 50 layers.
I prefer a cold glass of whole milk.
Like many others, I want to lodge a complaint about the title. Most of the pictures are pretty cool, though.
@darkly: I was on a delta flight from Seattle to Osaka, and all the seat systems just kept rebooting over and over and over for like 3 hours.
I don't think I'd like the "Alice" thing so much, but "Nelson" and "Coupland" seem pretty cool. If I wanted to interact with my book's story and characters, I'd just play a video game. I like books because I don't have to be bothered with interaction.
@Interstella5555: No doubt that in the days of ocean exploration, there were many people who thought it was stupid and unnecessary to send ships into the ocean. Furthermore, most of those ships were sent out with the intend that they'd discover sources of gold, silver, spices, or some other way of turning a huge…
@Stem_Sell: You really love puns, don't you?
@Necoras: Haha, oh man, thanks for the laugh. =)
@BeanBone: Thanks.
@Hank Scorpio: Enlighten us, please.
@MacAttack: You have trouble finding friends too? Wanna be friends?