
@En0s1: I can't agree more with this comment. They should just use a version of Android customized for an e-ink screen (no animations, etc), and let it still have access to the app store.

I hope they thought of a good way to remove water so it doesn't just cascade down the spiral stairs in a heavy storm. The top is a giant funnel.

I'm quite sure that this is running 1.6, as the specs I saw at the store in Japan said 1.6.

So don't gun laws curtail people's "free use and access" to guns? Didn't the founding fathers consider "the free and unfettered use of [guns], 'an important element of democracy.'"?

@MifuneT: I haven't been following new anime much either the last few years. There is too much same-old-same-old garbage making it difficult to find the hidden gems.

They were stupid about it. If they would have made it be able to communicate with normal email, chat (aim, msn, gmail, etc), sms, twitter, etc, then I think a lot of people would have used it. But they just built the thing, threw it out there, and somehow expected it to suddenly replace everything that usually works

@MifuneT: Planetes is one of the best sci-fi animes around.

@FigNinja: You're 100% right FigNinja. Page numbers should die. Can't get more accurate than Part 2 Chapter 3 Paragraph 1 Sentence 26 Word 3 Letter 5.

@mattcoz: Did you see the glasses on that groom figurine?

@HashMaster9000: For me, the wedding is solely for the bride, cause a wedding is a total pain in the ass. To hell with that.

@Polebull: How so? They only sell books, right?

@beanperry: Good things come in small packages.

It only looks so big cause (most) Asian chicks are tiny.

@mjt308: Supposedly there is international shipping to something like 170 countries.

Good if you need espresso during a nuclear war.

So the Belgian track-making train leaves Brussels at 9:23AM heading East at 5 mph. At the same time, the Nazi track-destroying train leaves Berlin heading West at 14 mph. Where and when will they meet? When they do meet, what happens?

@Rontourage: Overly engineered cities (planned cities) sound good on paper and make urban planners happy, but aren't as attractive for people to actually live there. Look for studies on the failures of Brasilia, built from scratch starting in 1957.*

What does the touch screen do?

@Taylor Alexander: I've also been doing this for some time, but I send things to "User.Name+notes@gmail.com", and have a filter set up to automatically tag anything set to that address.