I don't really see this as a jab at the competition. It's more of a clever use of common phone imagery. I like it.
I don't really see this as a jab at the competition. It's more of a clever use of common phone imagery. I like it.
Guess I won't be buying Wylie Agency Ebooks.
I'm on a boat.
@Waffles And Syrup: Pretty close; I work at a junior high school and elementary school.
Maybe you can do something about that leaky oil well in the gulf.
@Waffles And Syrup: haha, at different times, of course. If I had all that stuff on my bike at once, I'd join the circus. =)
It's not that hard to point the lens at your face. And you can take more than one picture, in case the first time is no good...
Just get a rear luggage rack and strap your crap to that. I've carried a 20L tank of kerosene, my kendo bogu, people, containers of cookies, 5kg bags of rice, and all sorts of crap on my luggage rack.
@OgilvyTheAstronomer: Never heard of Planet Story. Is it good?
It's the Iron Council!!
Use an empty flower vase instead.
If everyone else googles "jumping off a bridge", then does it, are you?
I hope for a software update that will always show full signal even when there is none.
@grieser117: Not to mention that there is very little light, and a lot of crap floating around in that water.
@gonzorider: First thing I thought of too.
@Knifesideleft: You could also use the distance measuring tool in maps labs.
@Julien321: You're only as bad as the things you get caught for.
@blehbleh13: You need to change your attitude. I suppose in some ways, as a guy, it's nice to have a gf who is shorter than you; the same for the reverse. However, I think it could be kinda fun to have taller gf as a shorter guy.
@EBone: I'm 100K" and I make over $6.20.
I think I spotted a simile hidden among all the metaphors.