why does everyone ignore peter Cushing ???? He was great ! Fun films!!!
why does everyone ignore peter Cushing ???? He was great ! Fun films!!!
because they removed the original proper games from the app stores, so this is evil.
good,point,seems very bizarre they didn't push that one. They promote all the wrong movies. I just can't figure out how they fund these movies that don't make it back.
I don't want Americans near this cool stuff, story and ideas is what truly counts. Anime is light years ahead of Americans. You don't need special effects as the core, Americans just keep producing crap with too much reliance on effects. All the fresh ideas and cool entertainment happens in anime first.
silly really everyone knows the biggest trolls are young lads. They really are stupid when it comes to this. I guess embarrassing them would work.
Well there is good reason why half life mad bucket loads of money. So much money they couldn't be arsed with any sequels, quite sad really...
dumbo, I know people running Ubuntu and all modern version of windows. They just use a virtual box and install windows 7 32bit, 7 64 bit, win 8 etc....
lol, you never heard of torrent sites? Wake up!
nothing will ever be fair in the hands of greedy bastards. Hence piracy will and has always exist thank god. It's people who can't afford it anyway, so in an ideal world,they would not buy it anyway. So it's free advertising and brand building.
you can still get pirate copies of adobe cloud bollocks. They are just ripping people off. The people who can afford it pay for it, the the rest is free advertising and brand building.
I wish in knew chicks compelled to do cosplay!
Lol, the wii and wii version isn't that old! You got rid of the wii? It's the best reason to have one setup !
dead space has the best surround sound ever ! Try it with full surround sound ! The sound was more scary then anything I've ever played!
you played wrong version. The best version is wii , the controls are a class act. By a wii just to play it like it should be played !
best game experience ever! It's permanently in my wii right now. It's the only I play on my wii, once in a while go back and play it.
yeah the game is plain stupid. Real skill is quake. ( bots? )
I the concept is sound, but this game is stupid and boring.
lol, yeah the new guy looked just like harlock, kinda gave the game away, I think we all thought is he gonna become the new harlock ? Also there was a parallel in him making his brother/sister paralysed and harlock destroying earth, kinda saying they weren't straight forward heroes.... It's almost like harlock was…
I just watched it in Netflix and agree with what you say. Well at least Japanese don't do conventional, the ending wasn't entirely predictable. In some ways I prefer that. Fly fly is just a western really, entirely predictable !
Wow the golden age of space games has arrived ! So many big space sim epic stuff is coming out, we will look back on this as the golden age.....