
LSD will blow you mind if you aren't ready and researched. You seen the matrix the 'red pill' thats what it is in real life. And boy, you will leave this dimension, realise there are infinite realities, there is a god, and were are all one giant connected fractal. This sort of revelation that reality is not real,

LSD will blow you mind if you aren't ready and researched. You seen the matrix the 'red pill' thats what it is in real life. And boy, you will leave this dimension, realise there are infinite realities, there is a god, and were are all one giant connected fractal. This sort of revelation that reality is not real,

LSD will blow you mind if you aren't ready and researched. You seen the matrix the 'red pill' thats what it is in real life. And boy, you will leave this dimension, realise there are infinite realities, there is a god, and were are all one giant connected fractal. This sort of revelation that reality is not real,

LSD will blow you mind if you aren't ready and researched. You seen the matrix the 'red pill' thats what it is in real life. And boy, you will leave this dimension, realise there are infinite realities, there is a god, and were are all one giant connected fractal. This sort of revelation that reality is not real,

What have you seen the original total recall ? Then the remake ? Robocop is the same, the new one COMPLETELY misses the pont, just like the new total recall. It's like people are dumb now or something!!!

Thank god I thought it was just me. The new one suck balls though.

It's a rip off. It it's making tonnes of money hence, the jealousy. Makes me want to knock out a flapping mario clone. Fuck everyone else I'd take the money. Then shag supermodels to cheer me up!!!! He needs to grow hair on his balls.

It's a rip off. It it's making tonnes of money hence, the jealousy. Makes me want to knock out a flapping mario clone. Fuck everyone else I'd take the money. Then shag supermodels to cheer me up!!!! He needs to grow hair on his balls.

It's a rip off. It it's making tonnes of money hence, the jealousy. Makes me want to knock out a flapping mario clone. Fuck everyone else I'd take the money. Then shag supermodels to cheer me up!!!! He needs to grow hair on his balls.

It's a rip off. It it's making tonnes of money hence, the jealousy. Makes me want to knock out a flapping mario clone. Fuck everyone else I'd take the money. Then shag supermodels to cheer me up!!!!

This is truly insane. All press is good press. More more bad press , means more downloads and MORE MONEY. This is a new one, a developer not interested in MONEY?????????

Lol they are. Google it.

Wow, sounds very wise. But that means there are a hell lot of dumbos playing wow?

Lol, it's like the text adventure games of the 80s... Hey I loved them! :-)

Attack on Titan was hands down the best anime of 2013. While watching it I always thought this would be way incredible as live action! Just great to see new ideas in a mindbending new anime. It was a good year for anime, which to me satisfies my desire to watch new really cool innovative stories. Roll on 2014, for the

When I was a kid ( in UK ) 2000-ad and dredd were the coolest thing going! Fond memories!

Wish there were more actors who take their chops FRIGGIN SERIOUSLY MAN like bale. A lot of Brits are more about the serious art of acting than money...

How much does it cost to get kidnapped and play this game?

That is telling me nothing ! Next gen my ass. It's just a derelict building! That's very easy to model. Really there are much cooler environments to model and mix with real life for christs sake. This makes mass effect look like a masterpiece by comparison.

Great to see people playing proper retro arcade games more than modern games. I will have an arcade one day 80s style and play them a lot too... Good times...