
I can't see past him as the cult leader in that awful show, "The Following"

Me too! (I love Maury Sterling and it's great to see him back on the show), but I think there's a reason they've been portraying him as so world-weary and downcast this time around (There's probably at least a kernel of truth in the "M & M" comment he made in his interview) I think they're setting us up for when Dar

I got a chuckle out of Macy's sly reference to "Magnolia" with that "I never liked Supertramp" line.

I believe (unless they just dropped it) Rescue Me is already available on Netflix, and has been for some time.

Don't know if anyone has already mentioned this, but I can see Fiona using her newfound windfall to help Kev and Vee get the Alibi back, (Either paying Svetlana off, or financing the lawsuit to recover it for them) with her coming on as their new partner. Or maybe goes into business with them with a new bar and they

I know the chatter is all about Poussey in this episode, and rightly so, but I've gotten through half of the comments (so its possible I've missed this) and am surprised that no one seems to be talking about this…Didn't anybody else have a hard time believing that Caputo would really allow Piscatella to usurp his

I agree. I don't know why anyone would limit themselves to the other two possibilities when, after seeing the documentary in its entirety, this actually seems to be the most plausible scenario.

Wasn't the the ship in "Lost in Space" a flying saucer?

In season one he said he was shot during a traffic stop so I'm thinking it might be unrelated to the events of the present day.

Both make an appearance in the preview for next week.

Self helping Peggy is the rhinoceros and the cattle prod is her horn.

Man, what a great episode, but my one nitpick is…(and I'm not sure if it's been brought up in one of the 637 comments already made) why why why did Hanzee leave that Kitchen Brother alive?

I enjoyed this episode for the most part, but…Sabine is under house arrest for cyber crimes but somehow she still has internet access?

And to think, they used that shitty line in the promos for the show (And I thought to myself "Someone got paid to write that shit")

Even with the expectation that we are supposed to suspend disbelief, I think the compressed timeframe that everything happens is kind of, well, unbelievable. Rehab and Bam Bam decide to do a solo thing and within a day they've developed a set and a schtick, gigged, and gotten popular. It literally happened overnight

"You know, we are sitting here, you and I, (and Chris Pine) like a couple of regular fellas (And one starship captain) You do what you do, and I do what I gotta do (and Chris Pine does what he's gotta do) And now that we've been face to face, (to face) if I'm there and I gotta put you (and Chris Pine) away, I won't

Bro-Walk stress disorder.

And I thought to myself as Jax killed Unser and (finally) Gemma. Is everybody deaf on this show? In the course of these hundreds of murders, don't the neighbors ever hear, I don't know, GUNSHOTS? In seven seasons, there have been a miniscule number of witnesses to all of this egregious (and very public) carnage, and

He'll escape death at the hands of the club and will have that "Everything's gonna work out" look on his face (Like Tara had just before Gemma killed her) and is ready to start his new life when someone like Chucky, or Nero (Both loved Gemma) or the babysitter takes him out. Maybe he comes home only to find his kids

"I could have done without the bogus carjacking and police chase. Stupid pointless padding."