
Two McChickens, eaten in a one bite, one sip process: divine.

What is this Gawker-Reddit war/obsession? What do Reddities call Gawkerites, if Gawkerites call them MRAs?

Sun-sneezing is surprisingly unknown. More often than not if you mention it, people look at you like huh?

Well if you think that, you’re all wrong. But your self-constructed viewpoint serves you so you run with it, like all paranoid fantasies. But paranoia is treatable. So get help, and stop talking here. You are only making things worse.

Can’t believe the rationalization and boundary-crossing going on here. I would not trust these commenters with anything important to me; you are all making excuses, excuses.

Her Facebook messages, revealed in this lawsuit, prove you are absolute scum “journos.” I’ll be laughing hard as you become even more of a laughingstock. Real rape victims are being hurt by your gender-war bullshit everyday. That’s a hard, bitter truth for you.

The bar I was in watching this game erupted in laughter at this, it was almost staged it was so perfectly presented.

Sticking up for myself when he attacks me? Are you new to the Internet? And this is not about “good social skills”—it’s about knowing what people are feeling behind their actions and presence. You are totally off base attacking me, you should be dissing the guy who attacked me. You are an idiot.

I’ll present my story and not be shamed by people like you. You are a small person.

I have off the charts emotional intelligence (I’ve been tested). It’s a case of where one person observes two people, they notice a few things. People like me notice 30 things. I work in customer service and I am very good at my job because of this. My coworkers, god love them, there is just so much going on in

Isn't it a half-stand to wipe?

The missed interception in SB 42. It would have sealed the game for the Patriots but he mistimed his jump.

You are a real idiot. Southern Maine is an urbane place and Northern Maine is no different form any rural state, with lots of towns that are full of decent people. And also, you're an idiot.

Um, they ARE soup spoons. What you just wrote was akin to "my dad would always flip out when we'd use plates to eat food, rather than the rug as I preferred to." you're kind of an idiot.

The reason you will not beat any pro athlete playing some warped, diminished, altered game is super simple: all pro athletes have 99.9% percentile hand-eye coordination, and you don't. That is the one trait all pros share, and it alone will account for why they can always beat you.

Sadly Americans allow it with their subtle and not-so-subtle messaging that sports is THE most important thing in life. What if they drafted novelists like they do QBs?

Love how much Simmons pisses you off. He's just a better writer than all of you, that's why. Small piece of advice: being less knee-jerk DNC in everything would help.

What does Drew think Pats fans are to assume they all think Brady is gay? How stupid is this guy? Seriously? Enough.

Skim Milk is a rather antisocial amateur standup comic, often appearing at that weird comedy club under the Empire State Building. His act is to offend the inevitable tourists who wander in and "run them."

This is why the phrase low information voter is so apt, but the libs on Gawker refuse to connect this piece and those pieces.