
You need a ring to prevent balls from ascending during the act.

You didn't go far enough. When there is chaos, a malefactor can make accusations and they will appear true, due to the chaos. 11 of 12 delfated! (No, only one, the one touched by the accusers, but nothng to see there, right)?

So basically, ESPN acts like the Patriots are willfully evil but doesn't bother correct it when proven otherwise, other than a weak replacement article. What yellow journalism.

What's going on? Anti-Pats agendas are being exposed.

Windows Phone is way better and doesn't have a lot of the stupid time waster apps. iPhone texting is really ugly, that white and aqua. Windows is all black.

Speaking strictly to the games, the Champions League teams wear out their players who then play badly. So this is a good thing, game-wise.

It's the hand-eye coordination; top athletes, no matter what sport, are in the top percentile for HEC. The ball is moving past you before you even can think "hit to the left." Regular people who think they can compete with athletes never realize that is why.

Hot dogs are frankfurter sandwiches.

When crossing the street, I look not at the driver of the car but at the front bumper. You can see the driver's intent better somehow, and it is just a reflex. I never look at the driver to see if they see me, but recently when driving in NYC I noticed most people did.

An innocent man is freed form the tyranny of the sex haters...for a site that is trying to popularize "slut shaming" you know precious little of what that term should mean, amirite?

Ever watch a Yankee fan clap for a double play? You'd think their child just landed on the moon.

How about a nice gift basket and some signed stuff?

Butler sees the ball, grabs it, is a hero. Bostwick sees the ball in front of his face, tries to grab, is a goat. Ah, sports.

Just one more very late indicator of the media bias against the Patriots, the classiest franchise in the NFL. Brady's Bunch has been downright heroes when dealing wiht some of the most juvenile, secretive, and partisan antics I've ever seen. Chalk it up to how Boston's finest just lunchpails it every day, yesirree.

I agree. Being a skillful server is about dealing with the difficult ones; anyone can handle a perfect customer. That's not something to be proud of. but handling the weirdos courteously is.

I agree. Being a skillful server is about dealing with the difficult ones; anyone can handle a perfect customer. That's not something to be proud of. but handling the weirdos courteously is.

I work with the public in a very highly educated area, their questions are the stupidest ever. That said, being good at my job means defusing them with skill and kindness.

Wow, Drew proves that you have to have liberal lockstep views to be employed at Gawker. This is some dumb stuff. Stewart is a darling to twee libs, not many others. Bad form, Drew. Stick to sports and diapers.

Really?? I live near the Barclays Center and my local has its fair share of famous people stopping in, but NoWill?

You should watch the game with me. i make no reaction to any play and sit impassively drinking beer. People often ask me, who are you rooting for? Why cheer a first down in the 2Q? I only cheer when it's final, and if my team loses I stick around for one more to drown my sorrows.