
I’m glad to see it’s being called a “disorder” as opposed to an “addiction”. I know that might seem like just a quick word switch, but, as a mental health professional, therapist, and avid gamer, the change in the wording is really important to me. I still think gaming disorder is a symptom of a larger issue, not the

Sith lords did it well though.

Sith lords asked the questions as to whether there is a meaningful difference between jedi and sith, or if either is something to aspire to be. Those are interesting questions. It has a villain that points out the self destructive idiocy of the usual sith antics while also having an issue

That’s a bullshit way to break up a no-hitter. 

“We don’t like the way he competes” Translation: He was pitching well and we were getting our ass kicked so we decided to throw a team tantrum. 

I’m so tired of this being all people talk about when confronted with these projects.

Excuse yourself from this conversation.

load times actually mater. A lot of game design currently is working around loading zones and texture pop in.  Eliminating that is actually quite interesting from a dev standpoint, and changes how levels and textures are designed. 

So a day that started with “Here’s the knockout in beautiful slow motion” finishes with some good old-fashioned animal abuse.

I don’t understand the tone of this post.  What this kid is doing is fucked up and antisocial on multiple levels.

Fuck this animal cruelty for shits and giggles, and fuck whoever replies telling me they’re just pigeons.

oh god, i’d all but forgotten that part. i played a paladin and so we were given basically every weapon specialization possible. i remember going to felwood and attacking those immortal ghosts for hours on out to cap the last point in some weapon system or the other. polearms was particularly painful.

another thing i

I do not miss things such as leveling up weapon skill. Get a shiny new axe in a raid after using primarily swords leveling up? Enjoy autoattacking mobs for 4 hours to get your skill maxed out so you don’t miss half your attacks =T 

I suspect anyone who’s harsh on Andromeda, as they probably didn’t play after the patches and are just using it as a convenient punching bag. It was a genuinely fun ride in my opinion without any significant hitches gameplay wise.

Look, Deadspin isn’t going to hire you.

I know it seems fun to blaze through everything with broken weapons but in the same vein as that cringy twitter post about cheating yourself, it really is more fun to overcome a tougher obstacle with your friends than steamroll through it a hundred times.

Their game design seems to trend to being the “fun police.” They’ve got a very narrow vision of their game and anything that falls outside of that is removed regardless of how much fun it is.

Honestly, why not take a page from WoW and have the matchmade and non-matchmade versions of the raid offer different difficulties and different loot levels. If all you want to do is see the encounters/story and get some easy loot, do the matchmade. If you want the higher challenge and better rewards, do the

 That's a funny way to spell "purveyor of limitless sadness".

I guess Seymore is only an off-screen sidekick...

Renew! Renew! Renew! RENEW!! RENEW!!! RENEW!!!!!