
I feel like that should be the pass/fail criteria for the game. If you’re so busy mashing buttons that you missed the expository dialogue for the Training Grounds less than 30 mins into the game, you’re probably going to have a VERY bad time when you start mashing buttons fighting monsters.

Switch Axe! Wild swing into morph attack into a mount and elemental discharge feels soooo good.

It’s a pretty bad feature for sure.

I’m playing on Xbox, and have yet to get any help from an SOS flare. In addition, friends cannot join any mission I’m on that includes a cutscene until I’ve viewed it. For the first few hours of gameplay, you really seem to be on your own.

Man, I wish the co-oping would be easier in this game.

The Dark Souls comparisons tend to come from the combat, not necessarily the difficulty. It has the same deliberate non-reactionary combat style that Dark Souls has, and in many ways MH probably inspired Dark Souls.

Action RPG is pretty much accurate. The game isn’t terribly difficult but it does require you to learn the ins and outs of your weapon class to maximize damage and defense.

It is an action game, not unlike darksouls in some ways, but much less punishing, there are consequences for dying mid fight, like you get 3 losses then its quest failed, but nothing lost except resources used during the fight, pots etc.

Either I played the game wrong or something, but the modern day story line felt really... not even a thing?

i would argue that its great for both those heroes, loads of angles and flank routes, very dense.

Some people do. There are shitty subs like r/KotakuInAction, but Reddit is pretty much just a microcosm of the wider internet and, as such, you’ll find all sorts of people and opinions.

You compare it to King’s Row, which many pros have said is probably the game’s best map. And you contrast it to Junkertown, who’s starting area, while neat and refreshing, created a slave meta which many people detest and a final area that a lot of higher level players also dislike.

This was my favorite one easter egg so far, in the starting room there is a poster for Murloc island, when you find it its this....

Maybe not every map needs a gimick?


They are crap in all games much of the time. THIS time your brain is using it to explain why the Pats always win becuse you can’t admit it’s becuse they work harder (Shave every rule as close as possible, sometime too close) and have the best coach and QB in the history of the NFL at the same time.

Fuck context, I always say.

Say what you want about bad calls, but seriously with the ref “celebrating”? You could post the whole video where clearly he’s laughing while telling players to calm down and not start a fight.

Suck it up, buttercup. Get free Hulu for a trial period & watch your stupid show. Be glad you’re not paying a hundred bucks a month for cable & it get over yr damn self.

I agree on the time period but they have done ny to death put it San Francisco like the old cop movies, the hills for jumps and getaways china town the wharf an island prison, theres plenty to mine there