
Kotaku did say that one of their new directions with this site is to continue to talk about and cover the games they play/ review. As opposed to before and what other sites would do, play a game and talk about it the week that it's out and then barely if ever talk about that game again.

Meh, the writers are entitled to talk about whatever game's they happen to be playing.

Now playing

Hey, just thought you might want to know that you misspelled Archon there. . . .

Battlechess was teh shitz!

There was something cheesy/special about the NES version of this for me.

Hell yes!!! the game that actually made me want to play chess as a kid.

This isn't the way to promote board game diversity. On the whole a message of "Your tastes are terrible" usually doesn't endear anyone to trying what you recommend, if anything it puts a bad taste in their mouth.

I used to love Battle Chess as a kid... but looking at it now I'm reminded of how horribly slow and choppy the moves and animations were. Still, it was awesome. It is definitely in need of an update.

I came here to say just this, and am overjoyed to see it already here. Battle Chess was awesome.

We still joke about the NCIS one at work all of the time. If someone is working on something hard, we scoot over and start typing beside them to get it done twice as fast.

You should try DestinyLFG. It's really easy to get groups on there.

They're listening.

House of Wolves is literally the make-it or break-it point for Destiny.

Can't wait til Xur sells it just so I can see all the rustled jimmies of the elitists who insist it will never happen again. Just like the Ice Breaker ;).

Heroes of the Storm, as it stands.
The game isn't even finished and yet there's an insane amount of polish on it. I still enjoy League a lot but I usually feel more apprehensive when I join a game in League.
With Heroes, my friends and I are getting in on the ground floor so we're learning it along with everyone

Heroes of the Storm for me while I really enjoyed playing Dota 2 and LoL for a while HoTS was really refreshing for me because you got to go into battle right off the bat LoL and Dota 2 while fun required too much farming for my taste and even though there is some farming in HoTS it was a minor objective to do.

Heroes of the Storm. It's barely in Closed Beta, and there's a lot of work to do, but I love it.

I'm not much of a moba person but Heroes of the Storm is shaping up pretty nicely. Games are short, no item management, fast and furious team battles with a wide cast of characters I know and (mostly) love.

Heroes of the Storm. I am not 100% sure why. I like playing it more than DotA2 & LoL. I kind of hate playing Smite, it is ok to watch though.