
Upon reflection, I'm really glad Mike pushed us to beat Crota legitimately before trying the LAN thing. This exploit was both hilarious and time-saving, but it would've felt pretty hollow to do it without first beating him the way Bungie intended. All those hours we spent beating our heads against this fight made the

Maybe I played the wrong game because the one I played looked nothing like this.

I like PSN and Xbox Live. PSN particularly for the extra stuff I get with the membership. As far as the quality of the online service itself though? Sony should be embarrassed. Sending messages shouldn't happen biannually.

I usually look into things more. Won't buy without researching again.

Exactly the advice I give people.

I friggin hate that gun. It's such ass. I'll stick with my Icebreaker/Last Word switch combo.

It was a few days around the holidays. Not the whole month....

Firefighter. EMT. Nurse. Doctor.

Haters gonna hate - millions of people play Destiny everyday.

In fairness, the two day availability is itself a major issue that punishes people with weekend jobs, and this should actually stay as is indefinitely for both consoles.

Even in the offending tweet, Orth uses "always online" in quotes. He then compares them to cell phones in that the device is always "listening" (to the network) but clearly doesn't require you to send data every time you open an app. I think it's fairly safe to assume the daily packet was the baseline for

I'd go back and read those quotes and interviews again if I were you...

Ah, but Live outtages NEVER last "for days", they last for hours. And there is a difference between a hack and a DDOS attack. It's speculation either way at this point, but I don't think the original policies would have affected the way folks play in a situation like this one way or the other.

That actually was never the policy. It was once per day to send a packet, which, even with the situation on Christmas, wouldnt have prevented anyone from playing.

I can't wait to see the pictures of the police dragging those teens out of their mom's house and into a cop car.

we all have computers dude.... It's 2014 take your power trip to ign

So if LizardSquad DDoS'd Steam and the Wii Shop you'd still be okay with it? By this logic "Good time to be a Jaguar gamer" is an apt remark to make.

Your user name is rather apt.

Maybe don't be a dick to people? Just for today? Would be nice.

FYI I lost my mother a couple of weeks ago so Christmas was officially cancelled in my house.
That said- All I wanted to do today was get my game on and try to forget that it's even fucking christmas at all.
It might not seem like a big deal to you but I feel stripped down and raw and I wanted one fucking thing that