
I agree. Bungee has been talking about this update for awhile. Alluding to the fact that the new strikes = newer/better gear. I don't go into Destiny expecting anything but what they said they were going to do. I don't have the new DLC but I already knew that this weeks strike was limited to that. At least we can

finally someone with some sense, thank you

Very subtle what Goodell did here.

Seriously, how much work does it take to make a chart with a big arrow pointing towards a box labeled "Whim Of The Moron At The Top"?

The infographic was saved as a jpeg when it should have been png...

Dont blame Bungie. Blame Activision.

You didnt USED to do any of the current weeklys. It just got released today.

icebreaker sucks. And especially so in this raid.

Common sense on the internet? You do not belong, sir!

Also considering that vision of confluence, icebreaker and hezen vengeance are some of the best raid weapons. This raid is going to have hive and the only shielded enemies that Hive have are solar shielded wizards. All of the above insanely powerful weapons are solar damage.

Yeah, the gear they completing the first Raid with was a little underwhelming, also, weren't they all barely 26 and 27? Crota's end is a 28-30 strike, and VoG was a 26-28.

I see your point. However, if Bungie takes away our ability to play their weekly heroic strikes, then we lose our capability to earn strange coins in an efficient manner. Thus, making exotics from xur even more difficult to afford. By barely being able to afford an exotic, you will most likely be wiped away in the

Do not presume that I'm "hating" because I'm not. Just some insight. If Bungie made it so that there was two weekly heroic strikes (one based on dlc, one not ), and once you complete one, you won't be able to complete them again for a reward, regardless of which one you chose to claim your reward on. Basically, to

I'm heading to work now after 2 hours if sleep since I state up getting to the last boss. The mechanics are familiar but there is definitely a much more wavy emphasis on each player being very very competant. Sherpaing will be an absolute nightmare later on.

ice breaker is pretty baller for PvE stuff. best strange coins i ever spent.

I dunno... six hours is a pretty long time! ;) It's good to know that the new raid is challenging. Can't wait to play the new content today!

Oh man pc community are the best at complaining in case you haven't noticed.

Breaking news! DLC related content requires DLC!

This is how mmos work, not surprising. At least Destiny doesn't charge you $15/mo to play

Can't fathom why people would spend hundreds of dollars to do what I do in the comfort of my neighbor's finished basement.