Ridiculous lightsaber, but that's all the negative critique i can throw at it for now! Otherwise i'm just drooling for more!
Ridiculous lightsaber, but that's all the negative critique i can throw at it for now! Otherwise i'm just drooling for more!
Thanks for buying our broken game. As apology, we're offering you the chance to spend more time with our shitty product!
I stop at the first trailer released, never a follow-up. I recently had a "debate" with someone on here recently over a plot spoiler of a character that was never revealed in the original Big Hero 6 trailer, but was in the second, which I never saw. He in turn "blamed" me for not knowing, as if it wasn't a secret…
I have zero friends IRL who play Destiny, and I still beat normal and hard mode VoG every single week.
You have plenty of resources to find a group. Why have matchmaking and get paired with a bunch of numbskulls? Use Destinylfg.net or /r/fireteams, there are plenty of places to go. I personally think the raid is the best part of the game, but damn if I don't wish for an actual story.
raid matchmaking might actually make the game worse, in some aspects. There are persons on destinylfg.net that make a post like this "Level 23 looking for 5 level 30's to run me through the raid" With experienced player : 40-90min. With Unexperienced players 4 hours if you're lucky. ( i've done the raid maybe 20+…
In the same amount of time it took you to type out this post, you could have posted 3-4 words on the Bungie forums and gotten several messages back from other people looking for more to raid.
Honestly I'm impressed that you've owned up to everybody rather than just ignoring it assuming nobody would notice. Big credit to that.
oh, shut the hell up.
Actually, the original versions, due to a lack of DLC and patches, meant they HAD to ship as complete a game as they possibly could and delayed games until they were ready.
I suppose you could rationalize it by saying that you didn't have to pay $50 to access the arcade machine and THEN pay $0.25 each time.
I agree with you. ME3 multiplayer was honestly one of my favorite multiplayer experiences. I still go back everyonce in awhile to play it with some friends. If you could beat all 10 rounds on Insanity(?) it would give you enough credits for a case and a half.
Please support The Witcher 3, then. It does everything right.
ya know i lost many a coin in the arcades, the games were built to eat them.
Nope, it was distinctly announced as a feature in WotLK. It was still even advertised on their page long after the expansion came out, it just never came to be.
Pretty cool design on her!
Oh... and "Death by snoo-snoo!"?
I play pve pretty much every day and pvp very frequently. It's just fun. The revamped iron banner is awesome and has gear that will get you to light level 30, which is the only gear outside of the raid that will. Again, I just am having fun so I still play. Raid twice a week, nightfall and heroic twice a week, and…
I play exclusively PvE, and still find myself online everyday since launch. *shrug*
Statwise, yeah, exotics aren't much better than level 30 legendaries. It's the unique talents they have that make them worthwhile. That and the unique art, if you're into that sort of thing. For what it's worth, chasing a Crest of Alpha Lupi was enough to keep me playing long enough for these recent changes to come…