
The majority agree with you, however the minority spend obscene, unhealthy levels to more than dwarf the majority.

The entire thing just comes across as snarky and bitter for no good reason to be honest. Why not simply say that the free game requires an active subscription to redeem? Both are true, but one seems to push some weird biased agenda.  Maybe Games with Gold slept with the writers sister or something.

I mean they did innovate. Weapons are a lot more varied and interesting, gun play feels improved, graphics are better, the worlds are better, there’s more to do and more to find, character RPG elements are more in-depth, there’s a TON of QoL improvements, and they managed to not break the formula.  What the hell does

The entire commercial is over the top cringe and creepy. I get they are trying to sell a product by making it look like the greatest thing ever, but have you ever seen an entire mixed race family sitting around cheering someone on in a video game in the real world all with stupid gigantic grins that never end?  The

From my understanding, the biggest cost in most games is the over abundance of marketing that goes on, often times to an excess amount of money being thrown around without justification.

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Under your analogy, Microsoft and Sony are basically Honda and Ford, where Nintendo is basically Winnebago.  They don’t really compete directly, they offer a product that no one else is really offering, and they are really good at hitting that niche market.

Pretty sure DJ MC is referring to when Stroman clearly intentionally threw at Calep Joseph a few years back.  It’s the only incident I can recall from Stroman, but it was def on purpose.

I’ve been saying this since Destiny 1 launched and this debate started.  Of course for it to properly work, you have to include an in game lfg system to fill gaps to find groups. Forcing people to go to a website is just one extra step a lot of people simply won’t do.

It comes out in two weeks and there’s been very little press or hype about it.  It’s starting to make me a little nervous.

With any luck, Game Workers Unite! will have representatives camped out in the parking lot waiting for them...

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. If your name is legitimately “Dick Fagg”, I have to imagine that by the time you’ve reached adulthood, you have learned to go by some sort of nick name as you’ve realized that while it may stink that your name is offensive to MILLIONS, you are not the center of the

Can I intentionally change my name to Temp6969420?  You know...for science.

The Elite Controllers have suffered from absolutely terrible build design and quality issues since day 1. I’ve owned a few, and it’s become common knowledge to only purchase these controllers with Best Buy’s warranty for their no questions asked replacement policy.

Nothing really. But what it does is they can put systems in place to prevent tickets from being purchased under his name, and if that person is ever caught in the arena again, they can legally press charges against them. So the ban really is more of a PR move, combined with setting the team up to be in a position to

Instead of getting rid of the sexist remarks, Channel Seven AFL chose to simply delete the photo of Harris in hopes that all the trolls would go away.

There’s a difference between giving constructive feedback, or even being upset, and being an entitled toddler, hurling insults and engaging in toxic behavior, and that sub has been 100% toxic and uncalled for.  Grow the fuck up.

There’s a difference between giving constructive feedback like a grown adult and throwing a temper tantrum foaming at the mouth, nasty little shit. Stop being so obtuse. No one is saying don’t give feedback, and even don’t get passionate and don’t be upset, but act like a fucking grown up. Toxic behavior is

Nathan’s click-bait is getting out of control.  I really hope a senior editor steps in and tells him to knock it off.

Seriously Nathan, this click-bait stuff needs to stop. This isn’t Buzzfeed. Kotaku used to be better than this and quite frankly this is an embarrassment to the rest of your colleges, many of whom work incredibly hard around here.  I think from now on I’m going to have to start skipping your articles entirely.