
Holy cow, this reply got super long, sorry in advance. Hope my formatting is a little better for you. :)

If a coworker did something like that, they would probably be terminated and would find new employment elsewhere. Any legal action would be a matter for the police. In fact, if their new potential employer called regarding a reference and the HR department gave details as to why they were terminated, the original emplo

This site has reached PETA levels of absurdity. Instead of focusing on the specific occurrences that are of actual importance, and worthy of rage, vitriol and most importantly discussion, they have to go so over top on every little thing. This only serves to weaken any stance they have on any of the actual legitimate

Thanks for the update!

Hahaha, I got that strike and instinctively quit out.  As I was sitting back in orbit, I thought to myself “Self, maybe that strike wouldn’t have been so bad, you should have stayed.”  Glad to hear that you had a positive experience with it.

I’m not thrilled with that decision either, but the good news is they absolutely throw the stuff at you.  Just doing the flashpoints on three characters yesterday netted me 285 of the Mars resources, so I gotta figure by the time we finish the new story, we will have so much it won’t even matter.

I played for a few hours yesterday, and I have to say it felt like Destiny is finally back. It wasn’t incredibly apparent at first, especially as I was doing some patrols to get the hang of things, but once I really gave it some time the changes left me feeling like I wanted more for the first time since D1. While the

It’s just one of the many reasons I cut cable in the first place.

No, because it’ll be on syndication, meaning it’ll air multiple times a day across multiple networks, all over the damn place. Remember when they ran every South Park and every Simpsons episode back to back to back? Yup, that’s gonna happen.  This will not die a slow death.  It’ll be beaten to the ground for the next

Wait, did we start talking about Two Broke Girls?  Oh, yea.  This too.

True his taste in games is embarrassing, but it’s like expressing outrage that someone is addicted to heroin when there’s that amazing coke dealer right around the corner.

Kieth Hernandez is a piece of shit and I’m glad Newman hocked a loogy on him.

Not many meth addicts get into the game for rational reasons either. Really there is no difference and so long as people think gaming addiction is a big joke, nothing will change.

I mean, alcohol is engineered to be very addictive but isn’t there a threshold where one would have to switch to something with a cheaper buy in? At what point does a meth addict say enough is enough, I need the cheap shit? I need the shit that keeps me from stealing money out of my moms wallet to feed my addiction? I

It’s not that they just see it or allow it. It’s that they intentionally design the games to suck as much money out of these poor saps as possible, like pathetic, low rent con-artists. They see these sad souls and prey upon them like a succubus in the night.

It’s no different than Big Tobacco causing millions of deaths via cancer, or Big Parma causing millions to become addicted to narcotics by pushing pain medications to anyone and everyone for a quick buck. No different than your local drug dealer, or basically any other pusher of addictive substances. But hey, it makes

Never said he wasn’t responsible. Just said he was preyed upon by corporations who took advantage of his addiction. But I’m sure your red hat waving idiocy is all about protecting the rights of the tobacco companies and our friendly neighborhood casino owners. Moron.

Just like it isn’t Big Tobaccos fault didn’t knowingly profiting while causing millions to die of cancer. Was I stupid for smoking? Absolutely. Do o fully accept my responsibility in that? 100%. Was I the only one guilty? Hell no. 

Express outrage at the companies who are taking advantage of these poor addicted people. Gaming addiction just like nicotine and gambling and narcotics is real. And these slimeball companies are profiting with full knowledge. They can track this stuff and specifically design these games to take advantage. 

I would like to make fun of him or express outrage and surprise abt this but really I just feel sorry for him. Gaming addiction just like gambling and alcoholism is an addiction. Clearly this person lost control and while that certainly does not excuse his actions it does bring my pity. I watched my former boss lose