
No, the most annoying thing is that half the time when I open Netflix, the Continue Watching and My List categories aren’t fucking there. They should be pinned to the top 100% of the time. The auto play ads, the removal of the star rating system, the “are you still there?” and the fact that I cannot find anything to

Anytime you give one kid a privilege that another one does not get, earned or not, you bring in the screaming parents threatening to sue because little Johnny got treated differently from the other precious little snowflakes. Then the racial or sexism accusations fly and people start counting how many white kids got

This was my thought as well. I grew up in a time right before cell phones were handed out like candy to children. Some of us had them, some of us just wanted to be Zack Morris. The few who had pagers or phones, all knew to leave them the hell at home, or turned off in our bag, because if you got caught with one at all

Basic rule of thumb is that if the update was released today, you are going to have to manually update. If it was yesterday, you should be in luck. Also, some games require a manual upload anyways. Games like Destiny that download the upload only when you launch the game.

It depends on when the update was released vs when the console looks for them. The console only looks for updates when you manually go to the games section, or every few hours on standby. Sometimes it simply missed the available update window. I want to say the update window is every 6 hours or so.

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But how else is he going to gain those sweet, sweet Kinja points without rehashing the same tired joke over and over and over again? Certainly not by using that vast wit to type up anything new and interesting and original?

I just wish they would get around to fixing Xbox Matchmaking and Network Connectivity.

I don’t care who did what when. I care who is stopping this now. Stop with the justification and finger pointing, and just make it happen Sony!

This is why we need some tutorials. I love that there’s a lot to discover and the game does not hand feed me, but there is some basics that should have been covered.

Xbox matchmaking is NOT fixed. It’s been improved and is slightly usable, however large portions of it are still completely broken. We have days where some of my friends and I can’t connect, even in a private lobby, yet others where we have no problem. Matchmaking does not work. Half the time when you attempt to join

Do not give these people your money.

A Russian doping in the Olympics?

So am I boned for this as a Xbox user? Console exclusive content is total rubbish. It’s one of the many reasons I quit playing Destiny.

My guess exactly. Seems simple enough. Instead of clear in X time, it’ll be clear with X points.

This is ironic because the people who have console complain there aren’t enough console exclusives and hate the Play Anywhere campaign...

Good. This is honorable if you ask me. They dedicated a team (Not the entire studio, just a small team) to repairing a product that is well past any future profits they may generate. They are fixing and improving the game because it’s the right thing to do. And it’s a fantastic gesture of good will toward the players

I didn’t get anything that was going on in this story. I mean I get that the main character’s son was murdered by some cult or group or something and he was on a revenge tract that apparently was taking him all over the country murdering a Illuminati level conspiracy cast of characters. Other than that, I don’t get

I was incredibly confused by these bits aswell. I just assumed they were tied in with previous games, but since this was the first Assassins game I’ve ever completed I figured I was just missing this part. Now I’m quite shocked to see that apparently no one had any clue what the hell was going on here. Very strange.

I’ve never played a Monster Hunter game before but I’m quite interested. I keep hearing comparisons to Dark Souls, which makes me afraid the game is punishingly difficult, which typically isn’t my bag. (I’ve also heard this comparison offends fans of the game for reasons I’m not clear on at the moment.) The demo being