Amazon does this shit all the time. Why even have this feature if you are going to intentionally bypass it?
Amazon does this shit all the time. Why even have this feature if you are going to intentionally bypass it?
Thanks for nothing Amazon for failing yet AGAIN to send me a fucking email even-though I’ve requested it many times now. NOt that I was awake at 5 am anyways. I think I’m about done with Nintendo and their bs. This is the sort of crap that pushes people towards emulators.
I played it during the beta and rather enjoyed it the first day, then when I went to pick it up the second day I just felt exhausted. I don’t know why it just felt too much more of the same to me. It felt more like a dumbed down Far Cry with weird half stealth action. It felt to me they spread themselves too thin,…
But then they couldn’t throw shitty fucking ads in your face
Ice Town Clown Has a Frown Over Tiny Horse That is Brown.
When I walked in this morning and saw the flag was at half mast, I thought, ‘All right. Another bureaucrat ate it.’ But then, I found out it was Li’l Sebastian... Half-mast is too high. Show some damn respect!
Came here for 50 different Parks and Rec jokes. Was not disappointed. Good work internet.
And they managed to find a way to fuck up the Titan jump. GG Bungie.
My favorite part was that my Titan simply couldn’t jump high enough to clear the turbines, so I have no clue how the hell they expect you to go from one hole to the other.
So your response is to make excuses for their terrible design work? They had an opportunity to fix and instead they choose not to. I’m perfectly in my rights to criticize them for it.
There’s a difference between kicking me at some point (Say when I land into the world) and kicking me 15 times in 30 seconds for no good reason while still loading.
While I’ve enjoyed the beta so far, I worry they spent too much time working on making the graphics pretty and cramming every little bit of particle effect they could into the game, all the while forgetting to actually make improvements to the game engine. The game STILL fucking kicks me out of my menu multiple times…
Also Dylan Bundy, Trey Mancini, Michael Givens, Chance Sisco and the very few prospects in the system....
Just read your AMA on Reddit Jason! Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by and giving the time and the frank and honest responses. I know I’ve given you a hard time in the past, but I’ve always valued and respected your work. I’m actually really excited for the new book and hope you keep up the good work.
Sit back and enjoy the fight between The Root and Jezebel?
I still play the game on occasion, but Blizzard has all but abandoned the game on console. Aiming is still a terrible mess and the game simply needs to be balanced separately from PC. I get that PC is where there largest player-base operates, but maybe if they didn’t treat console players like the red-headed…
People forget there are degrees to things. Everything these days has to either be hotter than the surface of the sun or colder than the arctic. We can complain about bad things without acting like this is the worst thing since Hitler. Yes the game had problems, but they have largely been fixed and the game is a pretty…
I’m not sure which was funnier, the Seinfeld reference, or the thought of your inbox this morning. Hope you have the whoosh gif on your clipboard.
I’m very excited for the LucidSound headset. I am shocked it’s 2017 and it’s impossible to get decent wireless headsets without beign stuck with the over the ear headset design that’s both uncomfortable, heavy on the head, and prevents me from listening to my expensive surround sound system. I just want a simple…
But then you could go online and spit out entitled bullshit. That’s worth like $2,000!