
Is death common for the average player or is it something you’ll only experience a handful of times?

I own both consoles, but my Xbox is my primary box. I’m also a big fan in healthy competition because I believe it eventually leads to a better experience for the consumer. Sony is a giant pile of disappointment at the moment and really needs to get their shit together. Between this and the massively disappointing PS4

That's how I got my D. Va ult achievement. No regrets.

Only if they follow it up with the price is right horn

I hate the Mercy Rez because all too often that’s a byproduct of her not being in the fight healing in the first place. If she is usually she’s targeted first.

I will never forget that one time as Lucio when I mega ult shielded through an enemies ult in the final moment as our team captured the point all while pushing two opponents off a cliff. As the victory screen shown bright as the northern lights I kicked back raised my arms only to watch a turjborn hammering a turret.

Wow haven't heard such a zinger since the 8th grade. Keep up the good kinja

People don't want to take risks anymore. Too much criticism. Look how the Internet blew up over the first game before it was even released. So this time around they dialed it down a notch and ended up with the same boring protagonist as everyone else. But no picket lines and revenues stayed safe.

This is a big day. This is officially the stupidest comment ever written on this site.

Is it just me or do you look at the header image and think they are all doing the heil hitler?

I hope these cowards get sent to the special level of hell reserved for child molesters.

Or, you could you know, stop MURDERING people. Look I have as much respect for the many men and women to put their lives on the line every day to help protect this country, and a great majority of you are fine upstanding role models, but there are also a ton of bad seeds in a world where bad seeds get people DEAD. How

I didn’t stick around long enough to get into AA2, but I can tell you AA1 was a weird mix of addiction in a Pokemon kind of way with Final Fantasy combat thrown in to boot. At first it was a LOT of fun and I really learned a lot about a number of Marvel characters I had never heard of before. Unfortunately as time

That game was launched after the first AA had been around for a few years, but well before AA2 was released.

I quit the game a few years ago. It started to turn into one of those mega grind unless you pay $200 a week to keep up with all of our bullshit “new” things to stay competitive. The game was a lot of fun at first, but slowly the hand in your pocket creep started to set in, and it got to the point where it was a full

I haven’t been much of a fan either, and I was pretty hooked on BF4. Maybe it’s the weapons (I tend to prefer current day to near future style). Maybe it’s the maps. Maybe it’s that I seem to get wrecked by people who are clearly 100 times better than me. I don’t quite know, but I just haven’t had that much fun so far.

Kaepernick may be a tool, but at least he has the balls to own up to his beliefs. These executives are cowardly little gossips.

Yes I misspoke. That's what I meant. Thanks for clarifying.

They mentioned that in the patch notes. They have a fox already but it didn't make it in the rush to push the build for this weekend.

I think that's what they meant. You kill and die too quickly.