
A Kitt is a fantastic place to hang around

Never said it was free. Also, this update isn’t free either. It was paid for by microtransations. And I am plenty calm. You decided to jump down my back and be some sort of tough guy, then completely misread and misrepresented what I actually said. Next time you decide to criticize someone, take an extra 30 seconds to

If they do start selling, they should (but probably won’t) offer a trade in rebate program.

Having hope is not having expectations. Words have very specific meaning and I choose the appropriate word for my feelings. I was HOPING to see a raid. Did not say I was expecting anything. I also never mentioned how large of a raid I was hoping for. They have implemented smaller raids in the past, and could do so

Damn, Sale, LaRoche, and a few other players are relly coming across as spoiled, entitled little shits here. Someone clearly had a problem with it, and Williams by all accounts had a very reasonable request to dial it down a bit, and the players are all blowing this shit out of proportion.

I just think it’s turn is all. They’re are so many enemies but so much of the focus has been on the hive followed by the vex then the fallen.

It’s impossible to say without inside information. Maybe there was a technical hurdle? Maybe they scrapped it to add a more useful/popular feature? Maybe they simply ran out of time? Maybe they were just lazy? We could speculate all day, but it is dissapointing either way and hopefully gets rectified in Destiny 2.

While I’ll be happy to go back and raid with my clan again, and I totally expected a revamp of PoE, I’m kind of dissapointed by this. I was hoping for a Cabal raid for one. Second, the three people setup of PoE devestated my raid group last time, and I’m not looking forward to it doing so again this time around.

New York tried this with the bang on soda size, and if you can’t remember, you can Google and see how well that went over. From a politicians perspective, it’s easy for a lawmaker to go after smoking as it’s generally more popular, but don’t take away my super size extra value meal!

I remember being at some birthday party as a kid and the kid got the newly and impossible to find Super Mario 3. He wasn't allowed to play it but we didn't care we just sat reading the manual for hours fighting over who got to take turns. It was a glorious book and one of the best ever produced.

Basically the same as your average clickbait article title.

I logged in and ran this event the other day and was....welmed to say the least. Nothing really new or special is added here. The mobs are standard mobs. No special loot, or chests, or achievement, or really anything. The level that spawned was a standard backdrop. Really, you can skip this without missing anything.

It’s not an acronym, so nothing.

Asking users to publicly witchhunt and shame? This won’t end well.

I’m not a big hockey fan myself, I mean it’s just not for me, but really your argument is pretty weak here. Just about all major sports are reliant on video replay these days. Did the ball cross the goal line? Did the ball move on the way to the ground? Did the runner get there before the tag? Did the shot leave the

Fowler and his agent are liars flat out. The Cubs heard last second he could be signed if they gave him an opt-out and he reniged on his word. Now they are doing whatever they can to cover their lying asses. Fowler even called Adam Jones and told him a deal was done and he was on his way to Sarasota. Because he never

Because I’m rubber and you're glue...

Not when they are taking public money to fund their stadium.

I found out it went down when I was unable to watch a DVD, because.....reasons. Sure sure there’s offline mode, but really that’s a weak ass work around to something that shouldn’t be an issue in the first place.