Thankfully Microsoft reintroduced the ability for us to configure our controllers this way direct from the Operating System, so at least for us Xbox One users, it’s no longer an issue.
Thankfully Microsoft reintroduced the ability for us to configure our controllers this way direct from the Operating System, so at least for us Xbox One users, it’s no longer an issue.
This is a common theme in Destiny right now, and you know what? It’s ok. We all know that in a month or two everyone will be flocking back for the next big patch or update, or time gated release, or whatever is next. For now, people are a little burned out, plus there’s Halo, Call of Duty, Fallout, and Battlefield…
To be clear, I’m not accusing you of anything. I read the reccomended article when you published it, as I read most all articles that Kotaku publishes, but there seems to be a lot of conflicting and confusing information, and it would be nice if it was properly cleared up.
Really? You: “Rather than sell big expansion packs like they did last year, Bungie is planning on giving out quests and missions for free, sources say. This will likely involve big drops every few months until the fall of 2016 but could also include trickles of smaller stuff throughout the year.”
Planning on retracting your article that Micro-transactions in Destiny would pay for expansions? Seems like they added micro-transations and will still continue to sell the larger expansions.
So, she reported fake information that eventually turned out to be true, because she didn’t stop to bother to find out if her source was valid or not? Also, maybe we should stop relying on fucking Twitter to get our information. You are a professional journalist backed by a multibilion dollar company. If any moron…
So, professional “reporters” all use their iPhones to record player interviews now? No wonder I can never understand what the hell people are saying in these things. Maybe if they weren’t in such a rush to hit up Twitter and Vine, and actually, bothered to conduct proper interviews, we woudn’t have all this crap going…
My ex flipped out on me once when I came home and thought I’d be helpful and put her laundry in the drier. That included a few delecates and her bras. I had never done woman’s laundry before so I had no idea I basically just threw away several hundred dollars. For a woman who was exceptionally endowed, it was 10 times…
No problem! Next time don’t be such a condesending ass.
Funny, I was a day one collectors edition purchaser, and was greately dissapointed by the game. It seems they are finally getting around to implimenting my suggestions. Maybe I’ll give it another shot. Have they implimented matchmaking for dungeons yet?
Cute play on words there. Stupid, but cute. What Phil Spencer said was that it was not an immediate priority because they still had to finish getting the new UI and Background Compatibility out, and then background music would be next up. You can only do so many things at once, and working on a new platform should be…
No, it was a bug, one that they have since fixed in the past two or so updates. It appeared to be a memory leak.
It’s not early access. It’s not a preview. It’s a beta test plain and simple. That’s why there was a separate opt-in with separate instructions and conditions. A lot of people don’t seem to get that. Yes there were a lot of bugs and some of them incredibly annoying, but that’s part of the deal. They needed people to…
It was not a preview. It was a beta. There are supposed to be bugs. And you are supposed to report bugs. That’s the entire point. The amount of people who don’t get that is astounding to me. Pushing it out to such a large audiance helps then determine how widespread most of the bugs are, and helps them gather…
A lot of people are going to be very happy with the new UI. It can take a little getting used to, but it’s 100% faster, and in some cases 500% faster. The design is pleasing and simple to use and simple tasks such as loading a person’s profile, or opening party chat, or even navigating television is vastly improved.
It’s also gotten a massive improvement in the Win 10 update that’s still in preview. Before when I’d watch tv, I had to use my cable box controller due to speed and control issues. Now the Xbox controller rules them all.
I’m not as concerned about all three classes being OP as I am about Hammer Titans and Warlock Melee.
Sorry that joke was not clear at all.
I’m not gonna lie. I’m really happy I didn’t bother completing it. I don’t think I’m even through all the “Get 10 kills in each game mode” introductory quests.