My Ex got really into 2.0, because she’s such a Disney nut and I like Marvel stuff and was looking to get into video games a little to help relate to me a bit better. And quite frankly I found the entire thing incredibly boring. Maybe I was looking for more single player experience, but I can tell those that are maybe…
It’s a vicous cycle. By pushing top tier games to fall they are ensuring most sales will occur in the fall, thereby “proving” that games sell better in the fall, thereby causing the next round of games to sell in the fall.
The game certainly shines at night. Totally different experience. Especially with the knowlege that if you die, you lose eperience.
And of course the first thing they do is empty your inventory forcing you to start over. Sigh.
I bought and beat Tomb Raider way back for the 360. Is the difinive edition worth my time? Even as it’s free, if it’s the same exact game only prettier, then I’d rather work on my other backlog of games. Great they are dropping such a good game though.
I was just thinking to myself yesterday that I hadn't seen the new map in a little while. Thanks for the update!
I used to really get into the CoD series, ending maybe three games or so ago. But it seems that year after year they just keep adding more and more shit. And it’s gotten to the point where there’s just too damn much..shit. I mean now we have guns, radar, jumping, super powers, dogs, explosions, choppers, planes, etc.…
I wanted to buy this game for the Xbox One. Especially now that it’s on sale on the Xbox shop. I just can’t justify supporting a company that would push out such an obviously shoddy product just to get sales, then refuse to do right by their customers. I think I’ll wait until I can get a nice cheap used copy and let…
Ugh. Pass. This entire video just gave me a migrane. Not to mention that guy who free standing jumped over that truck. Titanfall managed to balance the parkor with the shooting. This just looks like a nightmare.
Are they going to do away with the rediculous damage to lower level mobs thing? I get that it will break the game if I destroy level 6’s on patrol, but if I’m level 40 vault of glass should be at least a LITTLE easier. Make it a sliding scale down to 3 levels below me, so if I’m 33 killing a 30 there shoudln’t be zero…
Even if it was basically a beta, it’s been one hell of a beta. I’ve played a ton of games in beta stage and absolutely loved them. Sure there were problems, and improvements to be made, but that does not diminish how much fun I and many others got out of them.
I think it’s already installed. Open the BNet launcher, and before you hit the giant play button, selese the options button under where it says Heroes of the Storm. Select Game Settings and the second option there is Launch 32-bit client (instead of 64-bit). It helped for me (although I honestly have no idea why.)
Check your ping times. Some people have a hard time with specific servers. Also try the 32 bit client. Sometimes that helps. Make sure you aren't running wireless if at all possible. Update drivers.
Shotguns are still OP I see. Tried the beta and was t impressed. They said they were gonna completely retune. Seems a little better but maybe still a little work to go.
To be fair, Leoric really needed it.
Bullshit over reactions like these are why we can't have nice things. Most devs refuse to communicate with the player add these days for this exact fear of either overpromising or having your words twisted and then the eventual backlash. People need to chill the fuck out and be grateful for what we have. These are…
I left around the same time. Game got too much for me to keep up with. Never felt like I had a clue what I was really doing. And it feels like the longer I’m out, the further behind I get. Very daunting to try to get back into.