I wish I could keep recently opened documents in jumplists but not in The new file explorer.
I wish I could keep recently opened documents in jumplists but not in The new file explorer.
“Hey Cortana, what do you think about clippy?”
I asked her how Master Chief was doing and she told me he just lost someone important and needed some space.
I just tested it and it actually worked. Amazing. “Hey Cortana, play Iron Man.” Thump. Thump.. Thump...
Not really sure why so many people are confused here. There are two scenarios. If you purchase the Ultimate Edition, you get all the BC editions for free. If you already have the BC editions, you still get them for free.
No, that stuff is part of the content that people got for free if you bought the DLC or not (Kind of like how everyone can go to the reef.) The DLC gave you access to new PvP maps, Mini-Raid, Trials, new Story Missions, a new Strike, and the highest Strike playlist. Oh, and whatever gear you get from all those things.
He’s part of a world event that likely will be replaced in Taken King with another world event. Exact details are still a bit of a mystery, but they tend to maintain an evolving world with each expansion.
I was going to post a similar story. I had to get a replacement for my Xbox One at one point, and when I hooked up the new console, everything was already there waiting for me. No more lost data, saves, settings, etc. No more manual backups.
There is a line between what’s newsworthy and what’s ethically fit for print. A lot of things are newsworthy, but at the same time pose a danger to the public or individuals if printed. Edward Snowden released a lot of newsworthy information, but in doing so he also put a lot of people in danger. It’s a very tough…
Does it work on computers connected to a domain, or do you still have to leave the domain first? Rather annoying as the upgrade then transfers data to the wrong profile when the update completes and you reconnect to the domain.
I had a computer that I reserved my copy just today and it was still getting the update, but I noticed in the Windows Update logs it kept failing because the download was getting blocked by our company firewall. Make sure to disable your anti-virus/firewall and check for updates again.
Make sure you don’t have an antivirus/firewall blocking the download.
Murky is the only character I have yet to play and I’ve been in since Alpha. I keep hoping he will show up in the free rotation, but then I realize that would end up in a nightmare as most people won’t have a clue how to play him right. He does look like a lot of fun thought. A good Murky can be devastatingng to the…
What a jerk he is! Busting his hump trying to make as much money as possible to provide the best possible living for his family all while providing people entertainment at a reasonable price and harming absolutely no one! Now if you will excuse me, I have to go purchase another pack of cigarattes. Now THERE is a…
It’s reckless, dangerous, and boarderline criminal. What about all the people she will put in danger due to blowing his cover? Absolutely anyone with any connection to Clark Kent is now in grave danger by anyone of dozens of supervillians who want to hurt Superman the only way he can possibly be hurt. The people don’t…
So you ruin a man’s life who just wants to feel normal. Something that was best kept secret.
The main story is dull as all get out, but the side quests were a lot of fun and really what saved the game for me.
For me the games best moments came when I was out and about and night hit. Scrambling to get back to safety, terrified you’d get caught and killed, knowing if you die there’s a large XP penalty and it became a lot of fun. It feels like you are trapped behind enemy lines and you have to watch every step. High risk,…