
You guys are so cynical. I can feel the hatrid oozing through you.

I was having the same issues. Switched to Twitch and realized the briefing already started. Big fail.

I really appreciate how they managed to basically recreate the Super Mario 3 scene from The Wizard.

MOAR Cowbe...erm Blink!

If you are facing the hive. Otherwise it's useless.

VoG sniper

I have recieved 6 Etheric Light thus far. Each one has gone to upgrade a VoG weapon, and the next 6 will continue that tradition. And I don’t regret it one bit. That’s not to say the new weapons are terrible, they are just not quite as good as the old ones. The HoW PoE related perks are mostly rubbish. Offering me

That’s why I love Sky Temple. Had a random match the other day where we got to 3-4 levels below the opponant, (Mostly because they were grouped well to start and getting a lot of kills) but halfway through the map, our opponents inexplicably decided to stop capturing the objective towers and just start pushing our

I absolutely do NOT want to ban maps or vote maps. One of the great things about HoTS is the varied maps, and how each map has a different collection of heros that shine on said map. Kael’thas may wreck on Spider Tomb for example, but may be absolute garbage on Dragon Shire. I don’t want people banning Haunted Mines

This is what happens when people ignore pings and go off doing their own thing. Biggest problem with the game right now is how many people don’t know their roles and don’t follow instructions.

Sounds like they just added a ton of grind to allow you to do what you used to be able to do for free. I’m glad I quit back in Pandaria. I loved the game but it just became too much grind and work for me.

Came here to ask the same question. Really happy to see the answer.

The game is one of the better free Gold titles Xbox has given out and I’ve had a lot of fun with it. Admittedly I’m inly a few hours in but it’s got me hooked. And damn are some of the enemies punishing. Dropping you down a level sucks. Wrinklers are dirty bastards that can go to hell. The first time I encountered one

Fuck me? Retarded? Well, where do I sign up? What a piece of trash this guy is. Get over yourself, you offensive ignoramus. Go play golf and leave the rest of us alone.

Did you know that the original name for Pac-Man was Puck-Man? You’d think it was because he looks like a hockey puck but it actually comes from the Japanese phrase ‘Paku-Paku,’ which means to flap one’s mouth open and closed. They changed it because they thought Puck-Man would be too easy to vandalize, you know, like

I’m level 50, with almost all hero leveled 5+, and I have 353 games played and I usually pull down around 5-8k gold a week without even really trying. Again, it would be nice if pricing was a little cheaper, and I think it will be once they add a lot more heroes to the mix, but at the moment it really isn’t that hard

I think it’s just due to the game begin officially released and a lot of fresh players entering the scenes. The most frustrating part for me is the silence when I try to help players and get NOTHING in response. I admit I’ve lost my temper a few times, but for the most part if you talk and simply say you need

Blizzard is usually good at supporting older equipment. You don’t have to run the game at the higher settings, and I usually don’t have much of a problem on my laptop.

Agreed that pricing is way too high, but to be fair, they basically throw gold at you, even after you stop getting gold for leveling.