
But you aren't locked out of weekly raids. You simply can't run one weekly raid once every 6 weeks. Next week you can run your nightfall just as always. People need to stop acting like Bungie is stopping people from playing the game in it's entirety.

This is not the same Bungie. Hasn't been since the Microsoft split. Again, this is one strike, one week. What is the alternative? All new content can't be part of the weekly? DLC gets a second or separate play list? How is that fair to anyone? All of the content you got from the original game is still there and

I'm sure I will get a lot of hate for this, however I will say this: This is a terribly horrible complaint. Either the weekly rotation was going to include or not include the new strike. If it did not include the new strike, people who bought the dlc were going to feel screwed. If it did include the new strike,

There can be only one.

Don't forget you also get mats from the daily story and from patrol missions. Plus up to 400 mats a week per character from marks.

It is in fact 1 mark for 2 mats.

It's 10 marks for 20 mats. Very fair imo. With my stockpile of marks across three characters I'm looking at an infusion of 1,300+ mats today alone.

200 marks = 400 mats. Plus you get mats from patrols. Plus you get mats from the daily story. If that's not enough for you, then you sir have too much gear.

Exactly. I have 150 of each Ascendant energy and shards. I have 25 total of the four planet materials and can't get them fast enough.

This is cool and all, but can I make them have hot space sex?

tl:dr = "We have no idea what we are doing.

Matchmaking for Tiger Strikes almost always results in getting paired with one or two morons. I don't want that experience from a raid, or the resulting dumbing down of the raid to compensate. The LAST thing this game needs is raid matchmaking.

Most of the time I agree, however the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer really won me over. I was on the fence about that movie, saw the first trailer and was hooked immediately. That movie certainly exceeded expectations. However the Man of Steel trailer made the movie look like something it wasn't and was a cause

Me3 wasn't pay to win. It was pay to grind less. Personally I didn't mind ME3's system as it was entirely optional and there was so much free content given out that usually would have cost the player $60+ in expansion packs. They struck a good balance between grinding and purchasing and it felt fair. I am worried

Rushed games and terribly licensed games are still an issue. We simply have additional tools to get information about terrible games before purchase. Consoles and accessories are still overpriced. These issues have not changed and have not really improved any. (And some would say have even gotten worse as a lot of

You know, as soon as I hit post, I thought of that. I'm not quite sure how we managed to rationalize that at the time, but we certainly did.

Things like this bring a tear to my eye. To see this is what my favorite hobby has turned into. I weep for the generations to follow. They will never know the glory days of the Nes/Snes/N64/etc where you simply paid money for a game and played it. Where a game developer didn't have their hands in your back pocket

They sent me an email a few weeks ago offering a two week resub or something like that. Check out their site, I'm sure you can get back on. WoW is like your local crack dealer. They're always looking to give you a taste for free.

'Dat ass.

I'm still of the belief that Blizzard could name an entire expansion Dance Studio, sell it for twice the normal price, and see sub numbers jump back to the 11 million range.