
Anything that makes the Gamestop experience more miserable which will lead to more people shopping elsewhere is a good thing I think. I feel bad for the staff, but only in the way I feel bad for the stormtroopers that are forced to patrol a desert planet in ridiculous body armor.

I've heard there is a special weapon that actually gives you a little map on the sight where nearby chests are. I need that so bad.

I'll have to check that out. All I know is farming is the WORST. It's the one thing I truly hated about WoW. So mind numbingly boring.

It's kind of brilliant in it's own way.

Considering that the cave is the worst way to gear up, I'm going to say he spent almost zero time there, if any at all.

The upgrade materials are the worst. My only complaining is the farming system in the game. If you are going to make me farm Mars for 45 stones, at least put a dot on my mini-map so I'm not searching for 10 mins because my eyes can't seem to pick out the motes.

Yea, what a terrible system that requires more than one week to max out your gear. That way you can get bored and turn off the game inside of a month. What a terrible strategy by Bungie! I understand that everyone wants everything feeded to them these days, but it is a MMO and does require a measure of patience and

This is my problem with people complaining about the game. You are doing it wrong!

It was down for 30 mins. I hope they enjoy their jail-time.

This is a great place to get some free XP as a lower character. It's also a good place if you are looking for some help with the daily public event.


This was a different MMO. I was sold this MMO based off the concept of deep individual stories for each character. I didn't enjoy Kotor for the action. Sure when I'm playing other MMO's I am fine with a longer grind to max, but when this MMO was supposed to be based off of 6 or 9 different stories, both with a

This was basically my thoughts aswell. There was just so much lacking, not to mention that the game turned into the worst kind of grind half way through max level. I wanted to level a lot of characters, not spend 4 months getting one just to max. Not to mention that WoW just did too much better and with so much

These stats are completely and totally wrong. They don't take into account that the higher your Cryptarch level the more likely a Purple Engram will translate into a Purple item. So the percent rates actually rise the more items you turn in. Also, small sample size. Like ridiculously small.

Digital download saves the day.

I'm all for everyone having their own opinion and all, but anyone that gives this game that low of a rating deserves to be punched right square in the nose. Ratings systems are so completely broken for a mired of reasons, and people who intentionally down rank games in order to be "edgy" or as click bait deserve to

I for one, am really thrilled with the way leveling works in this game. 1-19 means you are still working on the story. 20 means you've hit basic level cap. And 21+ gives me a nice quick look at what I can expect from you gear wise and experience wise. If I start a level 24 strike and get two 21's I know we are

I went to buy a game the other week while I was out in minor surgery and needed a distraction. It was almost a year old. They wanted $45 for a used copy. amazon some me a brand new copy for $22 and gave me free shipping. Fuck Gamestop.