
One more thing. Drop the pay to win attitude via micro-transactions. Selling battle packs in Battlefield, extra lives, pay to unlock weapons, gear, cars, etc. I don't mind paying for significant content, but this micro-transaction bullshit has gone too far.

THANK YOU!!! As a struggling lefty, I could not approve this article more. So often we are denied simple basic things like being able to stop off at a driving range and hit a bucket of balls. (Good luck finding a left handed club, well ANYWHERE). Too many times have I tried to play a stylus game, or even some

Win 7 and Win 8 are much better at it, however I usually still recommend a nice reinstall at least once every two years. The speed boost will really shock most people.

Mice can surprise you. With little to no skeletal structure, they can squeeze into the tiniest of structures. Usually because people leave their computers on 24/7 and they are looking for a warm place to hide out. Lesson: Turn off your computers people!

I perform IT support for a construction company. (We used to have a bunch of jobsites at waste water treatment plants) The things I have seen would make Roy and Moss weep like little babies. Not kidding. I have a box of rubber gloves and usually have to take computers outside before I can open them up. Usually

You still can. If the game and developers support it. Titanfall had zero voice support and there's that 10% going unused. But other games like Battlefield are still free to use commands.

Problem is the camera used to be required to sign in.

I have had the same problem. It was a lot worse when it interrupted netflix or a DVD and started randomly fast forwarding. Gestures never worked right and I wouldn't mind seeing them completely abandoned.

Which is odd, because from what I believe, it's supposed to learn your voice, so theoretically should improve the more you use it.

...When it works right. That's my only complaint. When it works it's friggen amazing. BF4 used it really well adding submenu commands (Need Medic, Attack A, Need a ride!). Netflix needs better support, and it seems I ALWAYS have to say Xbox On twice. (It's like the first time wakes the system up, the second time

Remember those terrible Xbox trolling videos where the guy names his account "Xbox Turn Off" or whatever? I had my Xbox One on while watching the video on my laptop and it kept trying to turn my Xbox off.

Is this thing connecting to the pc via wireless or cable? If Wireless, how is it connecting? I currently have a wireless kb/mouse, that works ok but only if I have a direct line of sight to the receiver which does me no good when my coffee table in the way... And a cable will just end up getting destroyed by the

That's because the Elders of the Internet completely demagnetized it before converting it to wireless.

You seem to have confused the cloud which is kept at the top of the Statue of Liberty with the internet which is kept at the top of Big Ben. A very common mistake.

So I have to have a computer up and running in order to properly play my console game? The battlelog should be a feature, not a requirement. The way they handled loadouts in BF4 was stupid, and unnecessary.

No mention that betas for both Hardline and Destiny won't be on Microsoft's systems?

So, I can't play the beta on my Xbox One, but I can watch it from the Twitch app on my Xbox. Nice.

I'm not really sure what language it is you are using here, so I'm only able to grasp at some vague concepts you have typed here. Personally, I'm not a fan of any sort of exclusive (Although timed exclusives are generally the least evil form of exclusive). I'm a gamer. Not a Microsoft gamer, not a Nintendo gamer,

Just give me more of that excellent multiplayer! Seriously, I absolutely fell in love with that multiplayer. Total surprise, but addictive as all hell.

Here is a copy/paste of the text you get when you select the "Other" option. (There were three options, PS4, PC, and Other. Other had flavor text that mentioned Xbox One.