
I wanted to do the same. I did the math and it added up to nearly $2,000 a year in savings by dropping cable and getting Hulu, Amazon, Netflix, and NFL and MLB packages through my computer/cable. The only reason I wasn't able to pull the trigger? MLB has a blackout policy, preventing any local game from being

One week! One week! Played the Alpha. Played the Beta. It was not enough. I want MORE!

I'm not expecting to find everything. I work in the IT industry. I completely understand how there will always be some level of bugs. But games like this, Thief, Battlefield 4, Sim City 4, are becoming all too common. Hell, even the Xbox One launched without a TON of standard features. The overall philosophy

Maybe it's just me, but I'm getting tired of being told to "wait it out". When are we as consumers going to demand that a product be functional at release, instead of 6 months down the road, once it's patched? You want me to have a broken product? Fine, don't charge me for it. Anything else is a bait and switch,

It's gotten a LOT better. There is still a ways to go, but it's much more enjoyable than it was when the game first launched. I'd really love them to run a proper balance patch, but that doesn't seem to be a priority at the moment.

I have my Wii hooked up in my work out room. I have it solely for the purpose of streaming Netflix onto a smaller television. I used it because I had a Wii laying around collecting dust and would rather not go out and spend money when this device I have already does what I want it to. For true Hi def, I have my

You mean like the jackass that's trying to push legislation that would ban gays from playing professional football?

Which was really nice, except I already have one level 9 and 10 level 85+. If I could boost everyone to max level once I max out my main, then I'd be interested in coming back. I detest the leveling experience so much I eventually quit the game. Began to feel too much like work with 100 daily quests and rep quests

My only issue is that this is 60 per toon. For alt-o-holics like me, considering getting back into the game (Been out about a year and only got two toons to max level specifically because I got tired of the leveling grind), the lack of a "buy in bulk at 75%" discount stinks. Let me spend 100-150 for an account wide

Let's see, there's end-game content including Raiding, PVP, working the auction house, farming, professions, critter battles, archeology, rare pet hunting, world PVP, that self arena gladiator thing, etc. There's PLENTY to do outside of leveling. Some people like myself don't want to spend a month per toon

Too much. At the very least they should offer you the ability to buy in bulk at extensive discounts. I HATED leveling with a damn passion. After the second or third time around, it was the most painful experience. And when you have 11 characters, it gets out of control. Let me buy an account wide level boost for

I don't play LoL but it doesn't seem like there would be a massive hurdle simply removing the bots in one game mode

It would be a massive hurdle. The bots in LoL are there for a reason and are integral to the game play. It may not seem like it from the outside, but really you should play it before you form an opinion.

And if you increased the map size to accommodate more titans, pilots would be left out in the cold. Being able to dart in and out of ally ways and onto rooftops is part of what balances Pilots in the first place.

Actually, I would argue that they add to the experience and strategy immensely.

I'm amazed to see abhors and pwn in the same post.

I wasn't sold on the idea of a smaller map with a lot of AI bots, until I actually tried the game. It turns out it works really well and keeping up the action, preventing camping and always ensuring that there is something to shoot at. Never a dull moment. Additionally, because killing grunts and spectres are worth

Bioshock was 7 years in development. Games that take longer to develop need to make more money than games that are slapped together annually.

You are asking questions that require more information than we have to provide an answer.

Funny, I posted this SEVERAL times yesterday in the comments section. Sad you guys are just now getting around to it.