
I suppose ignorance truly is bliss, because you obviously have no clue what you are ranting on about. That's OK, go back to the couch and the bong kiddo.

I'm glad no one mentioned Marvel: Avenger's Alliance. A game that was once really good had turned into a bug infested, nightmare. Everytime they introduce a new patch they introduce 30 new bugs. Most characters are released not working right and never get fixed properly. And the PVPai is a nightmare.

My third favorite FF, after VI and X. Hope this is a trend and they plan to re-release all the way up to X on Steam.

As a sign of good faith, Wilson and Troedsson had also announced a double-XP week for Battlefield 4 players. That week ends tomorrow, December 5.

Problem is, the temptation is there and it always ends up leading to influencing of design decisions.

Listening to your frustration while the dot continually fell off the TV absolutely made my day.

Came here to say the same. How this isn't immediately number 1 on any such list I have no clue.

I'm still waiting to even fucking USE my day one Xbox. Power brick died day one, and I'm STILL waiting on a replacement console to be shipped. I was first promised two days, then a week, now a week and a half. It's SUPPOSED to arrive today, but seeing as how I still haven't gotten so much as a shipping tracking

Xbox One - $500 (Which power cable died day one and I'm STILL waiting on a replacement from Microsoft, fingers crossed Tuesday).

Stickers add 10 horsepower. Everyone knows that.

I'm not sure if it's illegal, but it's certainly highly immoral and against Netflix's terms of use. You are using a service that you are not paying for and is akin to theft. I'm really surprised to see that sort of behavior supported by Kotaku.

My power brick died after just a few hours of use, requiring Microsoft to send me an entirely new console. No free game for me. :(

Maybe it's just me, but when I'm in a match, I want to be, you know in the match. Not playing around with configuring a class. While I appreciate that as an option, it should not be the only way in-game I configure my class. Let me tweak my class while in the lobby, or in the pre-lobby aswell.

Picked up BF4 for the Xbox One over the weekend and only got a few hours in before my One crapped out due to a failed power supply. I was struck by how unimpressive the game looked visually. I've always picked up Call of Duty games previously, and while I enjoyed the gameplay immensely (Once I started to get a feel

If there is a 50-50 chance that something can go wrong, then 9 times out of ten it will.

If there is a 50-50 chance that something can go wrong, then 9 times out of ten it will.

No, sorry it was just a link to the forums in general. I figured you'd hunt and peck till you found one that matched your exact issue.

A statistician would slap you for reporting on such small sample sizes. :)

I had a different issue, one that seems to be spreading. While playing Battlefield 4, my Xbox completely locked up. I tried the usual (Yelling, pushing the power button, pushing and holding the power button, pushing the Xbox button, etc.) Nothing worked. So I unplugged the Xbox from the wall and waited a few

Sadly I haven't gotten a chance to test out the party features. My console's power supply crapped out this morning. Spent all day on the phone getting Microsoft to send me a replacement. Only got a few hours of Battlefield in. But I do remember seeing something about party invite issues on the Xbox Live support