
Yeah, same, and I'm one of the people who is angry at Adore for her decision. I actually think compared to her trashy mermaid entrance look on Season 6 she put in a lot more effort even if it wasn't "glamorous." And she DID have heels on.

Other than not forcing her to dance, I don't see how the song was about her "problems" being "Femme, Fat and Asian" certainly isn't a problem, and she actually pointed to that as a source of pride in her political campaign ad.

I saw Sharon on the tour. I don't think being the winner is a barrier at all. I think it just depends on where the winning queen wants to put their focus. (Like how Jinkx has basically focused on her theater work.)

Season 6 Ben DeLacreme won and was fifth out, so that's not quite true.

I'd be wearing a long, un-cinched dress beneath a dress jacket. Big earrings. Maybe a pin on the jacket. Then I'd stuff my bra a couple of sizes and either wear huge heels because I'm trying to be very tall or flat because I want to blend. (I'm 5'4" and Mom's 5'11")

It's been a pretty standard entry in every mall I've gone to (I shop there), but I'm a NJ resident so it may be a regional thing.

I'm voting for Bob, but I don't get this "Kim Chi can't lip sync" read. Her "Wok" video is great.

Eh, Coco Montrese was a Janet Jackson impersonator and while she wasn't one of my favorite queens ever, she was definitely multi-talented and way more than just Janet.

People who love Team Look loved Kenya. I don't recognize her as a Top 5-er either, though.

Fair enough.

MGM owns it, actually. Not Disney. (Lindsay Ellis discussed in a video how Disney's been making a lot of Oz stuff that comes close to the movie's iconography but not enough to be copyright infringing.)

I don't know. Traditionally the young, fishy queens who everyone hates win those. (Rebecca Glasscock Season 1, Phi Phi O'Hara Season 4, Roxxxy Andrews Season 5, you could also argue Pearl Season 7, although a lot of that had to do with Trixie)

Not for nothing, but her makeup in non-show contexts has also been much better.

Oh, I know. Like I said, we looked at P&T when we were studying Romeo & Juliet as a work that preceded/influenced it. But yeah, different ages and points of reference and all that. (I went into journalism instead of English at college but my interest in literature ranges around the Victorian era novels, so I know how

Really? Huh, I've only read about eight Shakespeare plays but I'd consider it my favorite … (Pyramis and Thisbe I know from, like, A Midsummer Night's Dream and school research when were studying Romeo and Juliet, so …)

Well, @noramerhar:disqus was referring just to the final three, and despite the Heathers vs. Boogers rivalry I think when the end rolled around Raja, Manila and Alexis had buried the hatchet to an extent (I remember the "final three" Untucked had a point where Raja was like "I called Alexis a booger but to be honest

Rebecca Glasscock was definitely the villain or at least the person you wanted to see fail in the Season 1 finale. Season 2 the villain could have been Tyra or Raven depending on who you were. Season 3 and 6 were chill, though.

That was an amazing essay. I loved it.

Yeah. I was also convinced from the Queens descriptions that Honey Mahogahny was going to be a den mother type in Season 5 and then she ended up being boring and going home so ignominiously.