
Wisconsin in 2017?
They should have just spent the episode hopping from brewery to brewery. I know it’s what I would have done.

We have the built in nav, but it would be damn nice to use Google Maps for route planning, etc, than having to punch that in the dash every time we get in the car.

I’ll have to hop on the Outback/Subaru forums (find a good one) and keep my ears to the ground.

If you can find a link or reference, I would be thankful.

I’d prefer to not go down the head unit replacement route - it’s my wife’s car, and it’s a lease, so we don’t want to modify anything we don’t have to (though we are adding a trailer hitch for our bike carrier).

The addition of Car Play/Android Auto is the one thing that I wish our 2017 Outback had. The Mirrorlink app is essentially useless. I would pay Subaru to update the software on our headunit to be able to mirror my device’s display, but I wouldn’t doubt they would rather I pay for a new car.

Kenosha, WI, sounds like a perfect place to build a Jeep museum.
(I may be biased since it’s so close)

For Jafar, I nominate Cas Anvar from The Expanse.

If I can offer a suggestion, try adding some ground rosemary or sage to your rub. I put some in my rub mix, and love it (caught on to it from AmazingRibs.com as you mention).

Maybe an underdesk set of bike pedals? My friend does customer support in a call center and uses a set under her desk.

This has happened to me only once, and we were the subcontractor on a job. After I found a new job, I filled in the lead contractor on what was happening (using cheaper versions of the equipment that were originally demo’d, but don’t actually work, being instructed to remove “PROTOTYPE” labels from a supplier’s

I’d 100% watch a new Blade movie with Snipes.
And welcome him into either AoS or an Avengers film.

I’ve seen this in restaurant owners. They love to cook, have an idea, but once they get into the grind of running a kitchen daily, they lose that love and joy.

One exception I have seen a few cases of are BBQ people. When they go to a competition, they put their skills under pressure, but there are others doing the

Looks like the Easehold French Press is sold out :(

Looks like the Easehold French Press is sold out :(

A few years ago, my coworker and I had gotten sent to Alexandria LA. We had a similar experience - leaving a client’s home, a cruiser was parked next to our rental.
“You two aren’t from around here are you?”
“No, we’re here for work.”
“Look, your car will be gone in an instant in this neighborhood, and the sun is going

If he does not show up in Vol 3, I will now be disappointed.

I agree, this is almost a must have tool for a starting mix of powertools.

I agree, this is almost a must have tool for a starting mix of powertools.

Have you tried Tavour? They ship monthly, and only what you pick out of their daily offerings. I’ve had really good experience with them.

Sewage line backups.