
iMac nods and smiles politely, and wonders “who was that?”

Can’t wait for that dude to die

Remember when Newt Gingrich wanted to cut funding for PBS because, “Now that we have the Discovery Channel we don't need it?"

Thank you, WB Games, for announcing this game in 2020. I really needed to get excited and get impatient to play this game that won’t release until 2022 (at least), and probably won’t be fully enjoyable until 2023 when it’s fully patched up and has its dlc released.

I’m set to receive my second shot at the end of the month, as is my husband. I will STILL wear my mask in public. We have only been to outdoor patio restaurants on rare occasions. When wait staff approaches, we put our masks on as a sign of respect and for their protection and will continue to do so for as long as

Not enough stars.

Fuck all of the American ISPs. Greedy, lazy fuckers the lot of them.

AT&T gives a fake solution to a problem they created that could be solved by not having data caps to begin with. Especially when companies have to give them money to not count towards data caps or be a company they own. None of those means AT&T is doing it for the customer, so stay mad.

Fuck AT&T.

Because you don’t need a touchscreen on a laptop?

Show a little understanding

I mean, I’m not condoning everything they said, but...

Someone with ungreying powers should ungrey this for all to see.

It is available on SE

I’d be all over this if it was for Special Edition. There’s only room enough for one Skyrim installation on my computer.

I sure have lived through a lot of “once in a lifetime” climate and economic “events”

It’s the type of “unprecedented” weather pattern that’s becoming more and more... precedented... in America by the year, and it deserves our attention and concern.

P is stored in the blocks.

When your bigotry makes you so dumb that you either a) don’t have the people around you telling you to stop or b) you don’t listen to the people around you telling you to stop