Here’s what the headline should have been:
Here’s what the headline should have been:
I guess he was the White Power Ranger all along, huh.
The USB-C regulation doesn’t cover data speeds - so the EU will have no issue with Apple providing a USB-C connector supporting only USB 2.0 (something they do today on the iPad 10th Gen).
Actually they used the most recent up date to the 5E rules where racial bonuses are no longer a thing. Instead during character generation you get to pick one stat that gets a +2 and another that gets a +1. Its done to move away from racial bonuses. Now different races mostly just change your appearance and give…
“Apple has once again had a wrench thrown in its plans for smartphone hardware...”
What they really want to get rid of are male-to-male adapters.
I understand his reasons for selecting The World’s End as his favorite, but Hot Fuzz’s script is a masterpiece of structure and dialogue equaled by the performances of everyone in the movie.
I assumed he was wearing the prosthetics under his pants, that Stark had just used his nano-watsits at some point during the blip to make his friend something slim-fitting. I thought someone somewhere had mentioned that they could see lights through the cloth, but I didn’t see that during a quick step-through of…
He’s going to shrug and say “look what you idiots did to this place”, then he’s going to grab the seat of his pants and ascend like the Lorax, leaving us to choke on smog while our cities burn.
No, just because one is relevant does not impact another. Here is the logic:
The argument made is that casting for roles that do not have cultural trappings should not be forced to keep the ethnicity presented in prior source material purely because that was the ethnicity originally presented.
Sleep Token’s “Take me back to Eden” should be on here.
Where’s Sleep Token - Take Me Back to Eden?
Agree he was the MVeep. But Logan wasn’t favoring Roman near the end. He didn’t favor any of them, he was just using him to break them apart and sow chaos. None of them were ever going to be annointed, least of all the masochistic, kicked dog, Roman.
One of my favorite things is when a judge made deSantis’ lawyers define “woke.” They called it the idea that there are injustices in America and those injustices should be corrected.
Is it just me who thinks that the right is making up more and more stuff to react too? Soon their world is going to become so narrow that they’ll consider the New Testament to be too radical and just go all full Old Testament. I mean, have you read the Sermon of the Mount. That’s pretty radical. Blessed be the poor…
He doesn’t spend time with his kids, why should you?
This guy is fucking unhinged.
I get to sit down all day when I work. Factory workers often don’t. Is that morally wrong? I get to work in a relatively quiet, semi-private environment. Factory workers don’t. Is that morally wrong?