
It looks uncomfortable. It looks like one of hard, plastic chairs they used to make us sit in as kids.

How does this work with any sort of hard drive? Would it have to use the USB port to contact to an external?

I hate impressions...

Not that my experience is representative for the rest of the country but I work for a Verizon agent in a smaller(ish) town in Wisconsin. Since we've launched the iPhone I've sold an iPhone to someone switching from AT&T ONCE. Every single sale other than that has been already existing Verizon customers upgrading or

AT&T took ownership of a lot of Alltel properties especially in the Dakotas. I think it had something to do with monopolizing those areas. I think that only Alltel and Verizon had service there so they had to have another company come in and buy up property. Again, not totally sure, but I know for a fact AT&T bought

Bingo, my thoughts exactly... Booty calls only!

Ha, I see what you did there! Buh-zing!

"But also one of the world's leading manufacturers of all the good LCDs, mobile processors, and and NAND flash memory chips that help power your favorite iProducts."

@mipakr: It's a gigantic space station... I hope they don't get all "Oh, well that planet certainly looks like Alderaan."

@ZeeZedZee: You're putting the wrong emphAssis on the wrong syllAble.

@resvrgam: Have you ever used a tablet with Flash enabled? It makes the whole browser bog way down. I used a Galaxy Tab at work (I work at Verizon) and they are just awful to use. If you disable Flash then it runs like a million bucks. I have never sat down and thought, "Man, I wish I had flash on my phone/tablet."

@Homer Berkowitz: It's not a "flaw" with Verizon. If anything it's a perk for AT&T. I've had Verizon for years with a multitude of smartphones (I buy and sell them on eBay) and have NEVER had an issue not being able to do both at the same time. It's just simply not an issue if you've never had it.

@destructobot3000: Only if you're on a 3G connection. If it's on Edge you cannot.

@CrymeLord: Someone did ask during the questions. Verizon said they would not comment on it. My guess is that Verizon will be on the same refresh cycle as AT&T. Which is kind of a bummer for those who get the iPhone right away on Verizon.

@golferal: I was thinking the same thing. My real glimmer of hope is that the HP buyout has woken them up. I'm hoping the fresh influx of cash allows for some true R&D and, thus, an amazing device.

@Chewmieser: Ouch, my pride... To be honest I'd have an iPhone if Verizon carried it. In Wisconsin AT&T is junk...

I just want to point out that the alarm on my Palm Pre went off right when it was supposed to...

Mine would just say "BOOOOOOO!"