
When you go to Spotify.com you will get the US welcome page, but then you have to click on "Continue to Spotify —->" at the top of the page. Then you can log in and edit your profile.

Yes you can. I just figured this out as well. You can also sign up for a paid subscription right off the bat, and then just revert back to the free model after a month.

You can use a proxy server to create an account in the UK, and then change your country to the US and you are in! Sweetness. #tips

Hopefully it improves the accuracy :)

I see that you can make a donation to qualify for membership. Can everything be done online or do you have to go into a branch to open an account?

Best Buy owns Napster, but instead of improving the crappy service, they create another one. Seems true to their nature.

So I'm assuming you can't have a checking account linked to your PayPal account as it would try to use this instead of your credit card?

How about canning high credit card transaction fees and getting rid of all this cash-back bull. I mean, I do enjoy my rewards, but it just hit me: I'd rather keep more of my money to begin with, instead of paying more to get some of it back later.

So this really works? I thought you had to have money in your PayPal account to use the debit card. So you're saying your debit card charges your credit card? Seems like the rewards wouldn't be too good on that.

Actually it's Motorola, but it must be par for the course. I just found this on my utility company's website:

Using the Kill-A-Watt device, I determined that my cable box uses almost exactly the same amount of energy whether it was powered on or off, so now I just leave it on all the time. Ideally I would get a smart power strip, but the box will be going away soon enough, just cancelled.

I actually like my utility company. They have had awesome energy saver rebate programs, helping me upgrade my house and save money. They also have a cool energy usage report system powered by www.opower.com that shows how much energy you use compared to your neighbors (anonymously). Also they take care of water, gas

Just switched from Windows Mobile 6.5 to android and sadly, this is one of the few features I missed. I figured there was an app for that, but I like native functionality.

I installed FeedDemon because I needed to set the refresh interval for feeds to a custom duration. It works well, unless you sync with Google Reader, then it will just use Google's interval and you can't change it. You can sync to import all your feeds, and then un-link and the feeds will still be imported locally.

I completely agree with you. Somewhat unfortunately, people are still adapting the format despite the ridiculous limitations, as evidenced by the recent news that Kindle books are outselling paper. The way it's currently set up, you don't really own your Kindle books, you're just licensing the usage of them. While I

It may not affect the quality, but it will affect the result itself. Too bad you'll never know what the result could have been if you had just numbered it differently.

It's a feature.

A wise friend of mine told me to do this and it hasn't failed yet:

Somebody needs to create a Dropbox referral site. Current Dropbox users could submit their referral link, and all the referral links would be cycled through as new users sign up. It would be an easy way for new users to get extra space when signing up and also be a place to point people would want to post referral