
SWtOR was bad in one extend with PvP zones. There were two planets that had different lvl ranges for each side, lvl 16-20 for one and lvl 32-36 for the other.

I think a lot of companies are trying to keep closer control over their products with re-sellers. I work in electronics retail myself and many our suppliers, including big name companies, have threatened to pull their products if we continue to allow 3rd party re-seller to buy multiple quantities of our limited

When the developers make a statement about the game not being political, it’s because they didn’t make the game to take a political stance. They made a game to tell a story, and every story will carry some of the ideologies of it’s creators. This doesn’t mean the developers are disingenuous, it just means they are

It’s also annoying hearing the complaints about that they arn’t immediately fixing the animations Day 1. As if it’s that simple and that the devs don’t deserve to use the vacation time they’ve collect over the many years working on the game.