
Thanks for the advice. :)

Being a forever alone bites.

I'm interested in Skullgirls, but I don't usually play online too much (mostly because I get my ass handed to me(. I not that there is a story mode and an arcade mode, but are those two alone worth the purchase for someone who doesn't play online that much?

I'm confused. Why do some people think this is happening tomorrow? It says in the article that it's happening on Thursday. We'll still get the PSN update by late Tuesday/early Wednesday, I imagine. FF XIII-2 DLC will still be had.

I thought the best song about zombies ever was "Zombie On Your Lawn" from Plants vs. Zombies? Am I wrong? That song just makes me happy.

If I cave and get one (which I may well do just for voice controls) I'll be sure to video my first foray into the dancing game genre =)

I wonder. If I, being a person who uses crutches to walk with, buy a Kinect sensor and play Dance central with it, will the Kinect explode?

So you can't just say "It looks like someone forgot their phone."? You have to say "It looks like someone forgot his or her phone."?

I have to say, I like it so far. I'm midway through I think and it's really good in my opinion. I know a lot of people didn't like the Ghirahim(sp?) fight, but I loved it personally. I think the whole mechanic of him being able to grab your sword away from you was nice. It was the game's way of punishing you for

Don't you mean the third XBox?

Wait.....Gamestop did something awesome?!?!

It plays like a 16-bit era Dragon Quest with a humorous twist in that you play a deity bent on destroying the world and spreading fear and insanity to humankind. It's very old-school and tongue-in-cheek, never taking itself too seriously. The difficulty is adjustable, and using certain skills in combat raises the

I stand corrected. Thanks for the info.

...Say what now? I may just be overly sleepy (or dumb) but I don't understand that statement. Hasn't it always been okay to hit women in game? I mean, I've pummeled Chun-li like...*counts* 1...2...a bajillion times!

Zelda's Triforce of Wisdom was also what gave her the ability to adopt her other persona as...

I for one liked the Catherine demo. Yes I am an Atlus fan. Am I a fanboy? No. Usually I only download a demo if I pretty much know what I'm in for. Yes Catherine is very anime-inspired. Yes are heavy theological overtones. But it was said a while back that this was a Persona spin-off (I can't remember where I

I have two stories, so I'll combine them both here. They're both kinda short.

I'm loving it! I got Super Street Fighter 4 3D, and it's awesome! The 3D does make my head hurt after a bit, but overall it's great.

Get married today. Go for the trifecta. Then you can get drunk, get laid, and have awesome hats. All on the same day! Woo!

Ninja Gaiden 3. The NES one. I have never been so mad at a game as I was that one.