Oh God. Otaku Armageddon.
Oh God. Otaku Armageddon.
Mike, I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through a hard time right now, but I want to put a smile on your face, so I’m gonna tell you a story.
I’m so happy for you being able to share that experience with your mom, Mr. Fahey. Thanks for sharing with us.
I have CP as well, Terrence. I can relate to your brother’s struggles. My CP isn’t has bad. I walk with crutches and have problems with motor skills. I commend you for standing up for your brother and for bringing this topic to the forfront of conversation. It seems like society doesn’t want to/know how to gracefully…
The character you don’t know was Nigel Thornberry of the ‘90's Nickelodeon cartoon “The Wild Thornberrys”. He was voiced by Tim Curry.
I don't know about the issues if one goes dead, but I've had mine since the launch of the original FF14 back in 2010 and it hasn't died on me yet.
This. 1000 times this.
The trailer also shows the XBox and Steam logos, so I doubt it'll be exclusive. Just saying.
I'm happy to see this come about. I'm disabled and I have trouble reading text sometimes. I also have trouble doing certain button combinations, and I'm a fighting game fan. It's so great that while this system may not turn out to be perfect, at least the industry is trying.
What do you mean by "plugged in"? To my TV? 4. To my outlets? 7. Maybe 8 if you count my Nook...but I don't. PS3, 360, Wii, PC, 3DS, Vita, iPhone. Again maybe Nook if you count that, but I haven't got a single game on it.
Dude. That was funny. I lol'd a lot
I know! I loved Shiho. Yumei was awesome too but Shiho was just heartwrenching to me.
I feel the need for some Yasunori Mitsuda in Kotaku Melodic soon.
I have a question for you all. First an explanation of the situation leading to the question.
This is a max interval training workout that focuses on cardio and core. I don't think it's associated with P90X at all. I am a really heavy guy and I have CP. I need to get in shape or I'm going to be wheelchair bound before long.
You're right. She is paid to cover games. To me, that's the other side of this situation, and I didn't expand on that side in my comment because I don't know that side. It was a tough situation for her to be in, and while I still back my original comment, I can see the side of the situation that you bring to light…
I think that a lot of people are angry because Katie didn't just tell the guy off when he took control of her time with the game. I think I can see where she's coming from though.
Crippled person wisdom for the day:
Ah I stand corrected.
If I'm not mistaken, several thousand (not sure of the exact figure here, if it's off, sorry) copies of the game were shipped without working keys.