
My boys are 5 and 2, and they both love Scooby Doo, in all different forms.  We almost exclusively watch Boomerang for all the classic cartoons; Tom & Jerry, Looney Tunes, Scooby Doo...they love them all.  Just because YOU don’t like it, doesn’t mean that KIDS don’t.  Pretty sure this movie isn’t geared towards you

my son is 5 and loves tom and jerry. so, you know, probably 5 year olds...not 20-30-something year olds...

I’m not sure if anyone said this, I didn’t read that far down the list, but I think a really big part of why Leto failed at the Joker is that he really didn’t have a clue what the Joker was actually about. Whereas Phoenix captured the essence of the unpredictable lunacy that is the Joker.

I make these at home all the time, and they have totally changed my taco night!  The biggest issue I have had is what to substitute the melted nacho cheese for and not end up with a wilted lettuce mess.  Toast it for too long, and the lettuce steams and gets all wilted, totally ruins it for me.

It makes sense, especially when looking at the expected timeline for a PS5, the 25th anniversary of PlayStation, and their upcoming release schedule. I really think PSX 2019 is going to be an incredibly massive and fun show that will include the debut of the new hardware — for a holiday 2020 launch.

Unless I’ve missed something in the settings, the unified app is going to create a pretty big issue for how I use Drive. Currently I have two different Google accounts logged into each app, personal for photos and my university account for Drive. There doesn’t seem to be the option to sync two different accounts.