
Man I love heartwarming story days as much as I love chicken and waffles (it’s a lot...)

My friend has no choice but to run after me, and the cook loves drama (Editor’s Note: You could’ve just stopped at “he’s a cook.”), so he comes too.

She also taught me the buffet rule where you double the tip each time the tables around you rotate customers. As an adult, I adopt this rule for hanging out a sports bars and watching football.

I just heard an insanely nice story. An old man named peg-leg bob (you heard me and yes he had a real peg-leg) passed away a few years back hometown. He was a lonely old coot with no family and ate at the same steak place 4 times a week, eating the same thing every time. I had to go to that restaurant yesterday for a

My sides reached orbit at “first generation Fat-Lesbian”. I only hope that one day, I too will be able to find someone who will stare down assholes while I dance to songs from the 70s.

Your mother is my hero.

It has never ever occurred to me to not tip on my kids’ meals! What what? They’re the ones who are a pain in the ass! When we have them with us, we tip MORE!

The writing on that one is the BEST. I lost it at fleeing the great Fucks Famine of 2015.

OH GOD. I haven’t even finished reading but that Funky Town story has brought actual tears to my eyes.

“She pointed out how the change ‘has to start with regular pay, not just for movie stars, but regular pay for the regular woman in the regular job.’”

Dear Melissa McCarthy:

Oh, I’m well aware of his storied career; this just happened right after the movie came out.

perhaps it’s just becoming difficult for me to watch a bunch of men onscreen talking to other men for 30 minutes.

“Now that I have no power whatsoever and the fight is effectively over, I’m willing to concede that maybe homosexuals are most likely not an abomination.”

Hey, I really think it’s awesome you’re doing this. Thank you! I’m an RN working in a Cardiothoracic ICU at the largest hospital in my very rural state. Patients who have had open heart surgeries come directly up to my unit from the OR because they’re way too unstable to go to the recovery room. Most of them do very

I know I’ve just written a long entry, but I realised I overlooked one of our greatest skills as nurses; to overlook and work through the worst smells imaginable. Whether it’s a chronic circumferential leg ulcer with pseudomonas, or the house of a hoarder with an exploding stoma, or if it’s a case of c.diff. We can

My littlest was diagnosed with leukemia at 2 and so I have spent many a late night with hem/onc nurses. These people are living, breathing saints, just out there walking around on our streets like it’s no big deal. I mean, can you imagine the kind of mental and emotional fortitude it must take to care for those kids?

I’m so fucking jealous of Canadians sometimes. First you all get all the healthcare and now you get a feminist Prime Minister who walks the talk. >:-(