
we would simply like human rights. but governments seem intent on taking those away. you see the issue here is that trans people refuse to be silent when it comes to the stripping away of our rights, liberties, and freedoms, and for some reason, that is upsetting to you.

this is an incredibly transphobic rant, and i hope you feel bad for typing all this out on al gore’s internet. 

that’s exactly my point. you have the freedom to choose. i hope that we choose not to support rowling.

I agree with all of this.

I secretly kind of want to see Abbott and Costello meet the Scorpion King.

Is it possible for both sides to be in the wrong?

Nah, the combat performance of Russian Tanks in Ukraine is enough to settle any argument. The real argument how a John Deere can stand up to other tanks since we know how it stands up to Russia T-90's

It is really so hard to understand why this happens?

What are the odds that Ukrainian military intelligence are on there starting arguments about the capabilities of Russian tanks? Given the forums history it might be worth a shot

This is a strange story, in that Nintendo just put claims on the videos, which does not impact the user’s account status just takes any revenue from the videos. Only strikes impact account status, not claims.. So the user took down the claimed videos because they wanted to.

“But don’t demonize an entire website because of their worst members.”

He chose that particular neighborhood because it is majority black and he wanted to kill black people.

He specifically wanted to kill black people. Same reason Rittenhouse went to Waukesha.

Spoken like a future mass-shooter pretending that /pol/ isn’t an issue.

MAYBE things would have gone differently if the arresting officers had known he killed a retired cop during his rampage, but that’s just fucked up in a different way. But yeah, it’s just “odd” how the guys with the body armor and guns and white supremacist manifestos never find themselves in choke holds or with knees

Yea, I was thinking something similar. How the hell do they always take this assh0les alive. Fucking cowards always shoot unarmed civilians and then surrender immediately to the police without a fight.

Weird how cops are so good at bringing in these heavily armed and outfitted white supremacist killers alive but can’t seem to get George Floyd or Eric Garner in the back of a squad car without oopsie doopsie murdering them

Elden Ring and BotW have another thing in common: both overshadowed the release of a Horizon game.
